Closed dare631 closed 7 years ago
what do you mean its encrypted ? `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
All about UDP port 17000.. Same problem with me .. I hope master can answer n solve this problem..T.T
thats a heartbeat(HB), you should send packet every 9 seconds, and when you change map ( different IP : port ) they will send you a packed and you will send it back using their packet as a header, the problem is we have to know about packet structure HB to send it to map server..
otherwise we have to used poseidon and make it running.
@dclxjdc so this server gameguard type u know it ? cz u must fill it in posseidon
How about make the bot to chat every 9 s is that possible
@irsyad-id i tried to run poseidon but it says no clienf info file can u send me email to guide using poseidon ? the bot is running well but when it start to move abit to pick or attack it will disconnect
@dclxjdc how did you get clear clientinfo.xml? is it from original data.grf? or you need to do something to decrypt the content?
@irsyad-id how about xkore 3?
@tronbone i've tried.. it's still get kicked out from the server...
any one come up with solution? looks like many bots already up on the server
@tronbone not at the moment but i heard some of botters got the bot without sniff the packet which is one click go..
please help, nilai 69 00 4F 00 bla bla bla knp saya sniffing ga nemu itu? apa nilai hex itu hasil decrypt? kalau memang hasil decrypt gmn cara decrypt dr nilai originalnya?makasih apa itu hasil decrypt dr nilai seperti pd gambar?
Anyone know how to fix this disconnect thing? Every 30s it will get disconnected. I already tried several changes but it still the same.
No one is helping 😢
Oh somebody , help all
sell more.. get help from seller :dancer:
Can someone with knowledge help us with the problem please ? I can reward you guys for helping me solve this problem. just send me message or email so we can talk about this. tyvm
Is there anyone who can help me to make the bot idro works.. Please teach me..I will pay you for your kindness..please email me
i think somehow this packet got changed before send to server so like before if we send wrong packet it got disconnected i try to change the rebuild packet in but i think my code not correct because i dont know what method they use to change it :(
i've read the #221 i think its the same problem with this server but i confuse how i put this in
use Digest::HMAC_MD5 qw(hmac_md5);
then add:
####### begin sample handling of hmac packets if ($messageID eq $self->{packet_lut}{map_login}) { $self->{hmac_enc} = 1; $self->{seq} = 0; $self->{flag} = 1; } elsif ($self->{net}->getState() != Network::IN_GAME) { $self->{hmac_enc} = 0; $self->{seq} = 0; } elsif($self->{hmac_enc}) { $msg .= pack('V', $self->{flag}) . pack('V', $self->{seq}++); $msg .= hmac_md5($msg, pack('H*', 'EDB9D10AB84C9A2E05E38997C2F64A29')); $msg = pack('v', length($msg) + 2) . $msg; } ####### end sample handling of hmac packets $net->serverSend($msg);
the only change of the packet is only packet move because if i move an inch they will kick me from map server
i change the
sub sendToServer {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
my $net = $self->{net};
shouldnt(length($msg), 0);
return unless ($net->serverAlive);
my $messageID = uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 1, 1))) . uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 0, 1)));
my $hookName = "packet_send/$messageID";
if (Plugins::hasHook($hookName)) {
my %args = (
switch => $messageID,
data => $msg
Plugins::callHook($hookName, \%args);
return if ($args{return});
i only change
sub reconstruct_character_move {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{coords} = getCoordString(@{$args}{qw(x y)}, $masterServer->{serverType} == 0);
sub sendMove {
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
$self->sendToServer($self->reconstruct({switch => 'character_move', x => $x, y => $y}));
debug "Sent move to: $x, $y\n", "sendPacket", 2;
maybe someone can guide me ? @unknown-item no longer here i think @lututui @dclxjdc @irsyad-id @allanon
please teach mee...
@dare631 looks like the game client messed up the current sniffer , have u checked ?
Don't entrap in this topic. Do you think here it's market ?! Again bro ?! @irsyad-id
thats a heartbeat(HB), you should send packet every 9 seconds, and when you change map ( different IP : port ) they will send you a packed and you will send it back using their packet as a header, the problem is we have to know about packet structure HB to send it to map server.. otherwise we have to used poseidon and make it running.
You need to check if the serverType is correct, if the sync packet is good ! Really ? And what is the size of the packet ?
0x20(hex) or 32(dec) If yes : GameGuard detected. Maybe using XKore 2 it can work ! Poseidon is no longer working since gameguard enabled HB packet ! I'm in the step that just need to get the shit virtual algorithm crypted by themida but it's hard (70% of the code, including Send Blowfish Encryption table) ¬¬ but i'm performing some dll injections in bRO if i got something i can talk to you !
@Novishivsmoke its using hex some one has pass this step using xcore 1 but i must disable the gameguard notification to stop the ragexe from running the only step that make us kick is only when we try to move attack or pickup items another packet like attack, skills and others its normal im still new cant do pro editing like others :(
Post your exe here ! here it is @m3kgin3er
the delphine protection is inside this
Some bots went throught btw. Don't know how they did it. PLease masters , show us the way @m3kgin3er
@dare631 have u tried botting in aggresive mobs like munak or bongun or etc ?
when we connected to map ip, client send 20 hex packet,
[send] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 91 27 00 00 < this packet is static, will send to map ip everytime we first connected to map ip.
after that, we will recieve 4 byte. [recv] C6 4C F2 14 < this packet is changing everytime we request i think this is timestamp...
then evertime we move we have to send some packet , if we dont, server will terminated our connection to server..
[send] 00 C3 C4 FA 14 DB 7D 38 74 17 D2 7A 63 B7 6D 13 B0 < its keep changing everytime we send.
yes this is a gameguard they used delphine, created by indonesian
@irsyad-id when we connected to map ip, client send 20 hex packet,
[send] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 91 27 00 00 < this packet is static, will send to map ip everytime we first connected to map ip.
after that, we will recieve 4 byte. [recv] C6 4C F2 14 < this packet is changing everytime we request i think this is timestamp...
then evertime we move we have to send some packet , if we dont, server will terminated our connection to server..
[send] 00 C3 C4 FA 14 DB 7D 38 74 17 D2 7A 63 B7 6D 13 B0 < its keep changing everytime we send.
yes this is a gameguard they used delphine, created by indonesian
we hope u can break the Heartbeat, and dont to sell or any purpose... 👍
Well, it disconnects independently if you move or not ??!
only disconnect when we move pick items and attack monsters @m3kgin3er if u wanna try it i'll send u my last file openkore and download the client to know the exact problem send email i'll reply with attachment client download link and openkore file
Yes, it just like dare said. Thing is, when the kore got dced, they cant relogin again. We need to sniff for the code manually, and input it in packetparser. If we don't have to do that, the problem won't be this big (we can always bot at byalan, pay_dun, argiope, and any other areas with aggressive mobs.). So someone with such skills and. Knowledge, please help us since the gamguard. Is very2 strong here :( Will do any condition/terms if you guys can help me :(
Then it's problem with 'move' packet and 'pick items' ! Maybe if disconnecting, the sync packet can be wrong. I don't found something such as HB packet for while but .
its not like that @m3kgin3er if we set the packet move to 0 so our character is just like a statue just wait to be hit and only pick drop 1 block away its not kicked but if you move to attack or pick they will disconnect us if u stay where u are its not a problem like using flywing but not move not dc
same problem, always disconnect its not instantly disconnect, but maybe each 10 sec-20 sec
please someone help you can contact me at
just like old time in thai and in idRO2009, but they were tell about poseidon bla bla bla.. this for example
agree with emoisback, thats something weird in port 17000 and that ip same with map login ip
another tell me learn this topic
@m3kgin3er i want to ask you something at : 80
the contain is :
POST /req.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 User-Agent: Lyto Application Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 156 Cache-Control: no-cache
@SiXkore that's ack request, client sending pcid along with ping and pong value.. if its return success then you can connect to server map, if not it will be return failed to connect to server when you try to connect to map server.
@m3kgin3er is that email on ur profile still on ? i send u something please check
@m3kgin3er this servers.txt and this recvpackets : 17000
0000: 05 00 00 00 B0 79 7E 5C 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....°y~.......õ. 0013: 00 28 48 58 5C 8F 5B 0C EB .(HX\[.ë
0000: 05 00 00 00 74 A4 BF 5A 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....t¤¿Z.......õ. 0013: 00 3C 5C 58 5C CD 93 4C 90 .<\X\ÍL
0000: 05 00 00 00 4B CC 36 66 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....KÌ6f.......õ. 0013: 00 C4 6F 58 5C 40 C7 B9 EB .ÄoX\@ǹë
0000: 05 00 00 00 7C 2D C9 02 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....|-É........õ. 0013: 00 5C 83 58 5C 26 1E 25 9F .\X\&.%
0000: 05 00 00 00 6E 15 46 19 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....n.F........õ. 0013: 00 70 97 58 5C B0 47 4E 82 .pX\°GN
0000: 05 00 00 00 2A A7 E3 44 14 91 01 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 01 ....*§ãD.......õ. 0013: 00 08 AB 58 5C 0A 6B BC EE ..«X.k¼î
and what is this now?
becareful with post above me it's fraud please admin @itsrachelfish
damn now so hard....
@dare631 @m3kgin3er I play ragnarog gravindo I dunno where to ask After i read and i try My progres only Stuck on paket tokenizer
What should i do? Your answer is highly appreciated
@newbiehardwork read the forum and u can pass that
Is it working now @dare631? If yes, would you share with me?
@dare631 are you using pep? Im fail
@dare631 @m3kgin3er
Already try but im not luck use peek
i test that still kicked out after calculating move @m3kgin3er can u read my last email please i've sent to ur profile email
wrong section read more they already told us how to fix that @newbiehardwork
Hi sir, im newbie too Did u know error switch 6981?
when bot try to attack or move they will kick from map server aslong as u not move they wont kick you anyone have a solution for this issue ? i want to try using posseidon but i cant read the extract file of clientinfo.xml cz its encrypted