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Share LTPA key between app instances using default and custom encryption keys #615

Open leochr opened 2 weeks ago

leochr commented 2 weeks ago

Share the LTPA key between OpenLibertyApplication CR instances using the default password encryption key and those using custom password encryption key (specified via wlp.password.encryption.key variable).

leochr commented 2 weeks ago

The question that arose was whether an ltpa.keys can be shared between Liberty servers where some use the default password encryption key while others use a custom password encryption key (wlp.password.encryption.key).

I tested the following and I believe it confirms that ltpa.keys can be shared as long as the original (plain text) LTPA password is encrypted accordingly (using the appropriate default/custom key) and set in server config (using the keysPassword field of ltpa element):

Step 1 : Generate LTPA key with default encryption key:

ltpa.keys was generated by the following command:

securityUtility createLTPAKeys --file=ltpa.keys --password=mypassword --passwordEncoding=aes

Step 2: Add LTPA server config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ltpa keysFileName="${server.config.dir}/managedLTPA/ltpa.keys" keysPassword="{aes}AN4QZlt4JCdRVhzoOphGMnTETt9gYZSqax3RSnUVHH/FcydnjHmIwvXJyiYKMc900g==" />

Step 3: Server log showed that the LTPA was processed successfully:

[8/29/24, 17:05:39:066 UTC] 0000003b    I CWWKS4105I: LTPA configuration is ready after 0.162 seconds.

Step 4: Added wlp.password.encryption.key with the same ltpa server config and restarted the pod :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <variable name="wlp.password.encryption.key" value="randomkey" />

Step 5: As expected the server threw an error (due to the mismatched password)

[8/29/24, 17:06:54:614 UTC] 00000039                        E CWWKS1856E: The password was not processed because an unknown password algorithm exception was reported.
Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption.
[8/29/24, 17:06:54:666 UTC] 00000039                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "java.lang.NullPointerException 123" at ffdc_24.08.29_17.06.54.0.log
[8/29/24, 17:06:54:671 UTC] 00000039    E CWWKS4106E: LTPA configuration error. Unable to create or read LTPA key file: /opt/ol/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/managedLTPA/ltpa.keys

Step 6: Encode LTPA password with the custom password encryption key:

sh-4.4$ securityUtility encode --encoding=aes --key=randomkey mypassword

Step 7: Update server config to use the newly encrypted LTPA password.

The ltpa.keys is still the same one from step 1.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ltpa keysFileName="${server.config.dir}/managedLTPA/ltpa.keys" keysPassword="{aes}ANH8n3T0silDbCmfXvzrB2ZPOpR5PHfhlYPVyGtBFsjebKzM4r87BMHtb9owv8nyGw==" />

Step 8: Restart the pod. Error is no longer reported. LTPA was processed successfully.

[8/29/24, 17:09:05:962 UTC] 0000003b    I CWWKS4105I: LTPA configuration is ready after 0.137 seconds.
leochr commented 2 weeks ago

@arkarkala This is the workitem related to our discussion on sharing ltpa.keys between different Liberty servers (where some use the default password encryption key while others use a custom password encryption key). I believe the above tests results validate your statement: "passwordKey is used to encrypt the ltpa.password. the plain text ltpa.password is used to encrypt the keys in the ltpa.keys file"

Please review and let us know if you see any problems with this proposed approach or for any reason the ltpa.keys can not (or must not) be shared in this manner.