OpenLiberty / open-liberty-operator

Eclipse Public License 2.0
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= Open Liberty Operator

The Open Liberty Operator can be used to deploy and manage applications running on either Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty into Kubernetes-based platforms, such as link:++[Red Hat OpenShift]. You can also perform Day-2 operations such as gathering traces and dumps using the operator.

If there's a certain functionality you would like to see or a bug you would like to report, please use our link:++[issues tab] to get in contact with us.

== Operator Installation

You can install the Open Liberty Operator directly via kubectl commands or assisted by the link:++[Operator Lifecycle Manager].

Use the instructions for one of the link:++deploy/releases++[releases] to directly install this Operator into a Kubernetes cluster.

== Overview

The architecture of the Open Liberty Operator follows the basic controller pattern: the Operator container with the controller is deployed into a Pod and listens for incoming resources with Kind: OpenLibertyApplication.

In addition, Open Liberty Operator makes it easy to perform link:++doc/user-guide.adoc#day-2-operations++[Day-2 operations] on an instance of Open Liberty server running inside a Pod:

== Documentation

For information on how to use the Open Liberty Operator, see the link:++doc/++[documentation].

== License

Usage is provided under the link:++[EPL 2.0 license]. See link:++LICENSE++[LICENSE] for the full details.

== Contributing

We welcome all contributions to the Open Liberty Operator project. Please see our[Contributing guidelines].