OpenLightingProject / logos

High-quality logos for the Open Lighting Project and Open Lighting Architecture
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Open Lighting Project and Open Lighting Architecture Logos

Here are high-quality copies of the Open Lighting Project and OLA logos, based on the original by Simon Newton (seen in development/old).

The font Century Gothic was chosen as it’s simple, and it has a circular O character we can use to represent a 5-pin XLR connector. Kerning was modified so the characters sit more nicely together. The terminal at the bottom of the L has been customised to fit better alongside the A within the OLA logo.

Repository Structure

It was created in Adobe Illustrator CS6. The vector directory contains versions in .ai for Illustrator CS3, .pdf, .eps, and .svg. There’s some in both RGB and CMYK colour.

The raster directory contains a few large transparent .png files, including reversed (white versions), but more bitmap images can easily be created if needed from the vector sources.

For use on the Open Lighting Project website and OLA web interface, there are specific versions in the web fitted directory. These are created in Photoshop, so the paths can be aligned to exact pixels.