OpenNuvoton / M2351BSP

M2351 BSP
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M2351 Series CMSIS BSP

To experience the powerful features of M2351 in few minutes, please refer to NuMaker-PFM-M2351 Board Quick Start Guide. You can select the sample code of your interest to download and execute on the M2351 board. For example, you can try the TrustZone® technology in M2351 that provides system-wide hardware isolation for trusted software with the sample code in the folder BSP\SampleCode\TrustZone. This folder includes the sample code of TrustZone® for collaborative secure software development, Hard Fault handling and a TrustZone® template. You can open the project files to build them with Keil® MDK, IAR or Eclipse, and then download and trace them on the M2351 board to see how the TrustZone® works.This BSP folder



.\Sample Code\



SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Copyright in some of the content available in this BSP belongs to third parties. Third parties license is specified in a file header or license file. M2351 BSP files are provided under the Apache-2.0 license.