OpenOrg-gg / AmphoraProtocol

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Built off of Interest Protocol, Convex, Synthetix rewards and custom code, Amphora Protocol is a highly efficient lending market for sUSD that acquires Curve and Convex to enhance voting pairs, and provides new routes for users to use SNX LP tokens for greater liquidity.

This repo is a V0.1 draft, it is incomplete, unaudited and extremely broken. Please don't be dumb enough to try and implement this current code in a fork, as your users will get rekt.

Development bounties are coming soon, but anyone can contribute through opening a pull request. If you have questions, reach out to @adamscochran on Twitter.


to setup the repo first run

npm run setup

then cp SAMPLE.env .env and fill up .env with some values


to compile the contracts, simply run

npm run compile


npm run test

To Do:


├───test - test suites
│   └───mainnet/* - simulation of deployment and basic user interaction. npx hardhat test test/mainnet/index.ts
│   └───governance/* - simulation of governance processes. npx hardhat test test/governance/index.ts
│   ├───_external - external contracts copied into the repository, e.g. openzeppelin, uniswap, chainlink
│   ├── governance - governance related contracts
│   │   ├── governor - governor is a reimplmentation of Governor Bravo, aptly named Governor Charlie. It uses a custom proxy system
│   │   │   ├── GovernorDelegate.sol - Delegate for governor contract
│   │   │   ├── GovernorDelegator.sol - Delegator for governor contract
│   │   │   ├── GovernorStorage.sol - Storage structs for governor contract
│   │   │   ├── IGovernor.sol - Interface & events for governor contract
│   │   │   ├── IIpt.sol - Helper IIpt interface
│   │   │   └── Structs.sol - Structs shared by governance
│   │   └─ token
│   │       ├── IToken.sol - Interface & events for governance token
│   │       ├── TokenDelegate.sol - Delegate for governance token
│   │       ├── TokenDelegator.sol - Delegator for governance token
│   │       └── TokenStorage.sol - Storage structs for governance token
│   ├── lending - contracts related to the IP lending system
│   │   ├── IVaultController.sol - Interface & events for vault controller
│   │   ├── IVault.sol - Interface & events for vault
│   │   ├── VaultController.sol - Vault controller, master of all vaults. manages interest across all vaults
│   │   └── Vault.sol - individual vault, simply an accounting wallet
│   ├── oracle
│   │   ├── External
│   │   │   ├── ChainlinkOracleRelay.sol - an oracle which hooks to a chainlink oracle
│   │   │   └── UniswapV3OracleRelay.sol - an oracle which hooks to a uniswap v3 pool
│   │   ├── Logic
│   │   │   └── AnchoredViewRelay.sol - an oracle which consumes two oracle relays and constructs an anchored view
│   │   ├── IOracleRelay.sol - generic interface for an oracle relay which can report a price
│   │   ├── IOracleMaster.sol - Interface for the oracle master
│   │   └── OracleMaster.sol - Oracle master is effecitvely an address book of oracle relays
│   ├── rewards
│   │   ├── Booster.sol - the primary rewards engine that controls pools.
│   │   ├── ConvexStaker.sol - the smart contract that manages staking LP pairs into Convex directly.
│   │   ├── ExtraRewardsStashConvex.sol - a rewards stash template that is designed to process Convex rewards.
│   │   ├── RewardsFactory.sol - A factory for generating base reward pools for each staking pool.
│   │   ├── StashFactory.sol - A factory for generating stashes - uses ExtraRewardsStashConvex.sol as template.
│   │   ├── TokenFactory.sol - A factory that generates deposit tokens when depositing into a pool. Deposit tokens are then staked in corresponding base reward pool.
│   │   └── VirtualBalanceRewardPool.sol - A factory that creates virtual balance reward pools that attach to a base reward pool any time there is more than one token reward per pool.
│   ├── token
│   │   └── UFragments.sol - the amplforth ufragments contract
│   ├───IUSDA.sol - interface & events for USDA
│   └───USDA.sol - relabancing erc20 token
└───hardhat.config.ts - configuration for hardhat