OpenPegasus / OpenPegasusDocker

Apache License 2.0
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OpenPegasus Docker Container Builder


MIT license



This repository contains Docker files and make files to create docker images for:

OpenPegasus is an implementation of DMTF's Storage Management Initiative (SMI) Common Information Model (CIM) Server. The source code for OpenPegasus used for these containers is contained in the OpenPegasus repository of this OpenPegasus project.

Build and run images are stored in the Docker repository defined in the Dockerfile (currently the docker repository kschopmeyer) and can be freely downloaded.

This set of docker configuration tools allows a significant number of options in building the WBEM server including:

  1. Choosing the git OpenPegasus version and the git branch to get the OpenPegasus source files
  2. All of the OpenPegasus build options that define the built server. These are defined in the file pegasus-build-vars.env with documentation for each build configuration parameter. Note that by defining the build configuration variables in a separate file, they can be modified each time the build image is run. The build variables can also be modified after the build images has started by modifying individual environment variables in the running build container.

STATUS: Limited release 0.1.3.


The following must be present prior to building images.

Building the Docker images

Building the OpenPegasus Docker build image

Building the OpenPegasus WBEM Server image is a two step process:

  1. Building the server build image which starts with a Linux image (Ubuntu) and adds the tools and variables to be able to checkout the OpenPegasus source code and build OpenPegasus from within that build container.

  2. Running the build image container which includes Makefile targets for

    • checking out OpenPegasus source code,
    • building and testing OpenPegasus,
    • provisioning the server with a CIM repository and providers,
    • creating the OpenPegasus run image with just the runtime components of OpenPegasus and whatever provisioning choices you have made.

OpenPegasus must be provisioned with providers and CIM Model components in a repository for the target environment. The default is to build the server with the OpenPegasus test environment that includes an number of providers and a CIM repository based on a DMTF released schema.

Build the OpenPegasus Docker build image

To build the docker image for building the OpenPegasus WBEM Server image execute the following build command.

make build

This will lint the Dockerfile (if Docker lint was installed in the host system) and then build the basic image provided no linting errors were found.

This image will contain the make file Makefile_wbem-build (renamed to Makefile when the build image is created) which is the file that defines the targets for building the OpenPegasus WBEm server from its source code.

The WBEM Build makefile supports the following targets and a number of subtargets that are listed with Makefile help

NOTE: The lint will only occur if the docker lint tool is installed.

make lint                   Lint the Dockerfile.
make build                  Build the build image.
make deploy                 Build the run image.
make publish                Publish the build image to the remote docker repository.
make clean                  Remove the build image from the local machine.
make run-build-image        Run the build the docker pegasus server image."
make run-server-image       Run OpenPegasus WBEM server docker image"

Build the OpenPegasus WBEM Server Docker Image

Using the build image the server run image can now be built.

Building the OpenPegasus WBEM Server Docker image involves the following steps run within the build container:

  1. Retrieving the OpenPegasus source code from github OpenPegasus repository
  2. Compiling and linking OpenPegasus and its utilities from this source code. a. Since the build process for OpenPegasus involves setting a number of environment variables that control the build, A set of these variables is defined in the file pegasus_build_vars.env which is attached to the build build image when that image is run (--env-file option) b. Running tests on the build OpenPegasus code to confirm that the build was executed properly. c. Cleaning unwanted components out of the build result to minimize the built image. This includes removing the intermediate build components, and most of the test executables/files and other temporary components. d. Provisioning the WBEM server with a CIM model and possibly building and installing providers for the target environment.

An OpenPegasus WBEM server image can be created by just running the following:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Create the build image which consists of Ubuntu Linux OS, updates to Ubuntu and build tools to compile OpenPegasus source code and a Makefile that defines the build, test, and deploy of an OpenPegasus Docker image (`make build').
  3. Run the build container (make run-build-image). The Makefile option BUILD-START-MODE defines whether the process to build the WBEM server image is automatic or manual.
  4. Move to the terminal started when the build image is started if the manual execution of the build process (default mode) was defined.
  5. Build and test the OpenPegasus WBEM server (make build).
  6. Deploy the OpenPegasus server container (make deploy).
  7. Return to the the original terminal window.
  8. Start the OpenPegasus WBEM server run image (make run-server-image).
  9. The WBEM server should be running in its Docker container. This can be tested by: a. View the WEB page displayed by the container at the same ports as its XML ports (default 15988 and 15989) b. Run a WBEM client against the server at either of the ports (for example run the pywbemtools client) c. Test that the ports are open.

Running the OpenPegasus WBEM Server Image

The OpenPegasus WBEM server may be started when the openpegas-server images is started with the make file option SERVER-START-MODE as follows:

make run-server-image SERVER-START-MODE=manual

Thus the set of commands below will create and run an OpenPegasus server container:

git clone
make build
make run-build-container
# Go to the console in the running build container
make build
make deploy
# Exit the build container and start the pegasus run container
make run-server-container

Or to automatically execute the whole process from the console:

git clone
make build
make run-build-container BUILD_STARTUP_MODE=auto
# When the new WBEM server image has been built.
make run-server-image
# The server container will be started and the OpenPegasus WBEM server
will be running within that container.

The build container start can also be done with the following docker command: sudo docker run -it --rm -v /home/$USER/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock openpegasus-build:tag /bin/bash

You will be presented with a bash command prompt with the SMI root directory as the current working directory. At the prompt you are now able to execute the following make commands.

  make lint                    Lint the Dockerfile.
  make build                   Build the build image.
  make deploy                  Deploy, push the build image to a docker image registry.
  make clean                   Remove the build image from the local machine.
  make run-build-container     Run the build the pegasus server image.
  make run-server-container    Run OpenPegasus WBEM server in container
                               with default HTTP and HTTPS ports

A logical sequence to build the server from within the build container terminal

make build : clones the current OpenPegasus project, starts a build and runs the pegasus tests against the built server.

make deploy: performs all the above build tasks plus builds the pegasus WBEM server

The same build tasks can also be specified on the docker command line as shown below.

The build command requires a file containing the definition of environment variables that configure the built WBEM server. These environment variables are passed to the build container with the --env-file option. A default environment file (pegasus-build-vars.env) is part of this repository.

sudo docker run -it --rm -v /home/<username>/.ssh:/root/.ssh --env-file -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock openpegasus-build:<tag> "make build"

Adding /bin/bash at the end of the command causes the server to start at the bash console interface rather than automatically executing make build and it the default

The container will terminate though after it finishes executing the specified command.

To only build, test and create the server image from within the build container run these commands in build image bash shell.

make build
make deploy

The make command for the build server image will build the server image openpegasus-server: on your local machine.

If you wish to skip this step you can use one of the existing build images such as this one on Dockerhub.

NOTE: Currently the build and server image are in the docker user repository kschopmeyer.

The OpenPegasus public build image build by this set of utilities is:


The corresponding image for the running server is:


Run the OpenPegasus WBEM Server Image

Start the WBEM Server container using the makefile

To start OpenPegasus in the server container from the make file defined in this github repository and start OpenPegasus in the container on startup:

make run-server-image

or to start the server container but not start OpenPegasus when the container starts:

make run-server-image SERVER-START-MODE=manual


make run-server-image

The bash shell will have the directory containing pegasus components root directory as the current working directory. From there you can start the OpenPegasus server (cimserver to start the server as a daemon ) and still have a console for terminal commands such as a quick test of the server (cimcli ns)To start the OpenPegasus server when the the server container was started in manual mode simply execute the following:


And to stop the wbem server and return to the container console:

cimserver -s

The following command will also indicate whether the server is running or not.

cimserver --status

The running server can be accessed from within the container using the OpenPegasus utility cimcli that has commands to execute requests on the server.

The simplest command is "cimcli ns" that displays the namespaces defined for the wbem server and is a good indicator that the server is working correctly.

The command line "docker stop pegasus" command can be used to shut down the server container will go through a shutdown process and return to the console interface.

The server will start and print out to the console that it is listening on the ports 15988 (http) and 15989 (https).

Starting the WBEM Server container directly using docker commands

To run the server simply execute the following command line. This runs the container and starts the OpenPegasus web server in the container.

sudo docker run -it --rm -p -p kschopmeyer/openpegasus-server:0.1.2

or if using a local run image created by the build container

sudo docker run -it --rm -p -p openpegasus-server:0.1.2

or use the make target make run-server-container from the clone of this git repository.

To run the server image and not automatically start OpenPegasus when the server starts enter the run command with the last parameter ("/bin/bash")

The above command starts the server

sudo docker run -it --rm -p -p kschopmeyer/openpegasus-server:0.1.2

Default configuration of OpenPegasus in the run image

The default run server (defined with the pegasus-build-vars.env file) has the following characteristics as defined by the variables in the the server build Docker file (Docker file in the repository)

  1. Both https and http available. The default defined in Dockerfile is port 15988 for http and 15989 for https.

  2. A set of locally defined SSL certificates

3 The CIM repository that is based on what has been built into the OpenPegasus source repository for testing. Currently it is the CIM repository for CIM Schema 2.41.0 and a set of extensions for testing OpenPegasus including a number of classes and corresponding pegasus test providers. This is scattered over a number of CIM namespaces including an Interop namespace root/PG_InterOp.

  1. OpenPegasus wbem server so that once the server is running in the run container, overall information on the server can be viewed on the containers URI and OpenPegasus ports

  2. The OpenPegasus web server which allows remotely viewing and modifying characteristics of the server running at http://localhost:15988

Build configuration alternatives:

Source for the OpenPegasus source code

The OpenPegasus source code is retrieved from github. The Dockerfile defined variables

Frequently asked questions

Please see for frequently asked questions.

  1. Does this container work like most WBEM servers. Yes. It is a full OpenPegasus implementation except that rather than having a model implementation that strictly adheres to to a DMTF or SMI profile, it contains components of these models that are used for testing the intrigity of the OpenPegasus WBEM server. Using a tool like OpenPegasus or pywbemtools, the server can be explored from either a console attached to the container or directly through the CIM/XML interface using the ports that have been defined for the server in the startup command.

Source Code


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Keyport Technologies, Inc.
Inova Developement, Inc.


We welcome both companies and individuals to provide feedback and updates to this repository.


Copyright (c) 2020 Keyport Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2021 Inova Development Inc. All rights reserved.