Spice86 is a tool to execute, reverse engineer and rewrite real mode DOS programs for which source code is not available.
Release are available on Nuget.
Pre-releases are also available on the Release page
NOTE: This is a port, and a continuation from the original Java Spice86.
It requires .NET 9 and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Rewriting a program from only the binary is a hard task.
Spice86 is a tool that helps you do so with a methodic divide and conquer approach.
General process:
This is a .NET program, you run it with the regular command line or dotnet run. Example with running a program called file.exe:
Spice86 -e file.exe
COM files and BIOS files are also supported.
It is recommended to set SPICE86_DUMPS_FOLDER environment variable pointing to where the emulator should dump the runtime data. If the variable is set or if --RecordedDataDirectory parameter is passed, the emulator will dump a bunch of information about the run there. If nothing is set, data will be dumped in the current directory. If there is already data there the emulator will load it first and complete it, you don't need to start from zero each time!
--Ems (Default: false) Enables EMS memory. EMS adds 8 MB of memory accessible to DOS programs through the EMM Page Frame.
--A20Gate (Default: false) Disables the 20th address line to support programs relying on the rollover of memory addresses above the HMA (slightly above 1 MB).
-m, --Mt32RomsPath Zip file or directory containing the MT-32 ROM files
-c, --CDrive Path to C drive, default is exe parent
-r, --RecordedDataDirectory Directory to dump data to when not specified otherwise. Working directory if blank
-e, --Exe Required. Path to executable
-a, --ExeArgs List of parameters to give to the emulated program
-x, --ExpectedChecksum Hexadecimal string representing the expected SHA256 checksum of the emulated program
-f, --FailOnUnhandledPort (Default: false) If true, will fail when encountering an unhandled IO port. Useful to check for unimplemented hardware. false by default.
-g, --GdbPort gdb port, if empty gdb server will not be created. If not empty, application will pause until gdb connects
-o, --OverrideSupplierClassName Name of a class that will generate the initial function information. See documentation for more information.
-p, --ProgramEntryPointSegment (Default: 4096) Segment where to load the program. DOS PSP and MCB will be created before it.
-u, --UseCodeOverride (Default: true) <true or false> if false it will use the names provided by overrideSupplierClassName but not the code
-i, --InstructionsPerSecond <number of instructions that have to be executed by the emulator to consider a second passed> if blank will use time based timer.
-t, --TimeMultiplier (Default: 1) <time multiplier> if >1 will go faster, if <1 will go slower.
-d, --DumpDataOnExit (Default: true) When true, records data at runtime and dumps them at exit time
-h, --HeadlessMode (Default: false) Headless mode. If true, no GUI is shown.
-l, --VerboseLogs (Default: false) Enable verbose level logs
-w, --WarningLogs (Default: false) Enable warning level logs
-s, --SilencedLogs (Default: false) Disable all logs
-i, --InitializeDOS (Default: true) Install DOS interrupt vectors or not.
--StructureFile Path to a C header file that describes the structures in the application. Works best with exports from IDA or Ghidra
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Spice86 speaks the GDB remote protocol:
You need to specify a port for the GDB server to start when launching Spice86:
Spice86 --GdbPort=10000
Spice86 will wait for GDB to connect before starting execution so that you can setup breakpoints and so on.
Here is how to connect from GDB command line client and how to set the architecture:
(gdb) target remote localhost:10000
(gdb) set architecture i8086
You can add breakpoints, step, view memory and so on.
Example with a breakpoint on VGA VRAM writes:
(gdb) watch *0xA0000
Viewing assembly:
(gdb) layout asm
Removing a breakpoint:
(gdb) remove 1
Searching for a sequence of bytes in memory (start address 0, length F0000, ascii bytes of 'Spice86' string):
(gdb) find /b 0x0, 0xF0000, 0x53, 0x70, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x38, 0x36
GDB does not support x86 real mode segmented addressing, so pointers need to refer to the actual physical address in memory. VRAM at address A000:0000 would be 0xA0000 in GDB.
Similarly, The $pc variable in GDB will be exposed by Spice86 as the physical address pointed by CS:IP.
The list of custom commands can be displayed like this:
(gdb) monitor help
(gdb) monitor dumpall
Dumps everything described below in one shot. Files are created in the dump folder as explained here Several files are produced:
Break after x emulated CPU Cycles:
(gdb) monitor breakCycles 1000
Break at the end of the emulated program:
(gdb) monitor breakStop
(gdb) monitor vbuffer refresh
For a pleasing and productive experience with GDB, the seerGDB client is highly recommended.
Concrete example with Cryo Dune here.
First run your program and make sure everything works fine in Spice86. If you encounter issues it could be due to unimplemented hardware / DOS / BIOS features.
When Spice86 exits, it should dump data in current folder or in folder specified by env variable
Open the data in ghidra with the spice86-ghidra-plugin and generate code. You can import the generated files in a template project you generate via the spice86-dotnet-templates:
dotnet new spice86.project
You can provide your own C# code to override the program original assembly code.
Spice86 can take in input an instance of Spice86.Core.Emulator.Function.IOverrideSupplier that builds a mapping between the memory address of functions and their C# overrides.
For a complete example you can check the source code of Cryogenic.
Here is a simple example of how it would look like:
namespace My.Program;
// This class is responsible for providing the overrides to spice86.
// There is only one per program you reimplement.
public class MyProgramOverrideSupplier : IOverrideSupplier {
public IDictionary<SegmentedAddress, FunctionInformation> GenerateFunctionInformations(int programStartSegment,
Machine machine) {
Dictionary<SegmentedAddress, FunctionInformation> res = new();
// In more complex examples, overrides may call each other
new MyOverrides(res, programStartSegment, machine);
return res;
public override string ToString() {
return "Overrides My program exe. class is " + GetType().FullName;
// This class contains the actual overrides. As the project grows, you will probably need to split the reverse engineered code in several classes.
public class MyOverrides : CSharpOverrideHelper {
private MyOverridesGlobalsOnDs globalsOnDs;
public MyOverrides(IDictionary<SegmentedAddress, FunctionInformation> functionInformations, int segment, Machine machine) {
// "myOverides" is a prefix that will be appended to all the function names defined in this class
base(functionInformations, "myOverides", machine);
globalsOnDs = new MyOverridesGlobalsOnDs(machine);
// incUnknown47A8_0x1ED_0xA1E8_0xC0B8 will get executed instead of the assembly code when a call to 1ED:A1E8 is performed.
// Also when dumping functions, the name myOverides.incUnknown47A8 or instead of unknown
// Note: the segment is provided in parameter as spice86 can load executables in different places depending on the configuration
DefineFunction(segment, 0xA1E8, "incDialogueCount47A8", IncDialogueCount47A8_0x1ED_0xA1E8_0xC0B8);
DefineFunction(segment, 0x0100, "addOneToAX", AddOneToAX_0x1ED_0x100_0x1FD0);
public Action IncDialogueCount47A8_0x1ED_0xA1E8_0xC0B8() {
// Accessing the memory via accessors
globalsOnDs.SetDialogueCount47A8(globalsOnDs.GetDialogueCount47A8() + 1);
// Depends on the actual return instruction performed by the function, needed to be called from the emulated code as
// some programs like to mess with the stack ...
return NearRet();
private Action AddOneToAX_0x1ED_0x100_0x1FD0() {
// Assembly for this would be
// Note that you can access the whole emulator to change the state in the overrides.
return NearRet();
// Memory accesses can be encapsulated into classes like this to give names to addresses and make the code shorter.
public class MyOverridesGlobalsOnDs : MemoryBasedDataStructureWithDsBaseAddress {
public DialoguesGlobalsOnDs(Machine machine) {
public void SetDialogueCount47A8(int value) {
this.SetUint8(0x47A8, value);
public int GetDialogueCount47A8() {
return this.GetUint8(0x47A8);
Remember: You must tell Spice86 to use your assembly code overrides with the command line argument "--UseCodeOverride true" when debugging your project.
Along with the mandatory path to your DOS program, passed with the --ExePath argument.
Spice86 comes with a built-in debugger that can be used to debug the emulated program. It is a simple debugger that allows you to inspect the memory, the disassembly, the registers, and the stack.
The structure viewer allows you to inspect the memory in a structured way. It is useful to inspect the memory as a structure, like the DOS PSP, the DOS MCB, the VGA registers, etc.
First you need a C header file that describes the structures in the application. You can generate one with Ghidra or IDA. Then you can load it with the --StructureFile
commandline argument.
This will enable the "Structure view" button in the Memory tab of the debugger.
There you enter a segment:offset address and choose the structure you want to view. The structure will be displayed in a tree view and the memory in a hex view.
The display updates whenever the application is paused, so you can step through the program and see how the structure changes. Exporting a new C header file from Ghidra or IDA will also update the structure viewer with the new information real-time.
You can also enter the Structure view by selecting a range of bytes in the Memory tab and right-clicking on it.
It is possible to provide a C: Drive for emulated DOS functions with the option --CDrive. Default is current folder. For some games you may need to set the C drive to the game folder.
You can pass arguments (max 127 chars!) to the emulated program with the option --ExeArgs. Default is empty.
The emulated Timer hardware of the PC (Intel 8259) supports measuring time from either:
Screen is refreshed 30 times per second and each time a VGA retrace wait is detected (see Renderer.cs).
On *nix systems, you'll need to have libportaudio installed. Without it, there will be no sound.
Compatibility list available here.
dotnet build
Spice86 -e <path to executable>
or use this where Spice86.csproj is located:
dotnet run -e <path to executable>
This uses Ghidra and Java 17.
Before using it, define an environnement variable named SPICE86_DUMPS_FOLDER pointing to a folder where the Spice86 dumps are located. They are generated on exit.
General procedure, in order:
1.Ghidra's own script 'ImportSymbolScript.py' (input used is "spice86dumpGhidraSymbols.txt")
2.Ghidra's Auto-Analyze (only enable 'Dissasemble Entry Points')
3.Now, you can use the plugin.
Remember: if Ghidra displays SUBROUTINES, use the 'f' key to convert them into functions. The code generator only works with functions.
Also, if you have any weird behaviour, make sure you have Java 17 and ONLY Java 17. That's how Ghidra likes it.
Cryo dune:
Prince of persia:
Betrayal at Krondor:
Some emulation code was adapted from the Aeon emulator by @gregdivis. Those are: The DMA Controller, the PC Speaker, the SoundBlaster, the MT-32, and General MIDI.
This project uses JetBrains Rider licenses, thanks to JetBrains' Open Source Community Support.
The UI is powered by Avalonia UI.