OpenSILEX / opensilexClientToolsPython

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Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import opensilexClientToolsPython 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import opensilexClientToolsPython

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import opensilexClientToolsPython
from pprint import pprint

# usage of a created instance of the API class
pythonClient = opensilexClientToolsPython.ApiClient() # TO have more detail on the execution of the requests you can pass verbose=True
# Don't forget to change the host to your instance and use a password 
# and identifier from an account that exists on said instance

anotation_api_instance = opensilexClientToolsPython.AnnotationsApi(pythonClient)
target = "" # str | Target URI (optional)

    # Count annotations
    api_response = anotation_api_instance.count_annotations(target=target)
except as e:
    print("Api Exception when calling AnnotationsApi->count_annotations: %s\n" % e)
    # Other more specific exceptions inherit from this general class :
    #   - ApiDuplicateException for duplicated data on POST
    #   - ApiURIExistsException for URI already exists on POST
    #   - ApiURINotFoundException for URI not found on GET
    # These can be found in
except Exception as e:
    print("Exception when calling AnnotationsApi->count_annotations: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to **

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnnotationsApi count_annotations GET /core/annotations/count Count annotations
AnnotationsApi create_annotation POST /core/annotations Create an annotation
AnnotationsApi delete_annotation DELETE /core/annotations/{uri} Delete an annotation
AnnotationsApi get_annotation GET /core/annotations/{uri} Get an annotation
AnnotationsApi search_annotations GET /core/annotations Search annotations
AnnotationsApi search_motivations GET /core/annotations/motivations Search motivations
AnnotationsApi update_annotation PUT /core/annotations Update an annotation
AreaApi create_area POST /core/area Add an area
AreaApi delete_area DELETE /core/area/{uri} Delete an area
AreaApi export_geospatial POST /core/area/export_geospatial Export a given list of areas URIs to shapefile
AreaApi get_by_uri GET /core/area/{uri} Get an area
AreaApi search_intersects POST /core/area/intersects Get area whose geometry corresponds to the Intersections
AreaApi update_area PUT /core/area Update an area
AuthenticationApi authenticate POST /security/authenticate Authenticate a user and return an access token
AuthenticationApi authenticate_open_id GET /security/openid Authenticate a user and return an access token
AuthenticationApi authenticate_saml GET /security/saml Authenticate a user and return an access token from SAML response
AuthenticationApi forgot_password POST /security/forgot-password Send an e-mail confirmation
AuthenticationApi get_credentials_groups GET /security/credentials Get list of existing credentials indexed by Swagger @API concepts in the application
AuthenticationApi logout DELETE /security/logout Logout by discarding a user token
AuthenticationApi renew_password PUT /security/renew-password Update user password
AuthenticationApi renew_token PUT /security/renew-token Send back a new token if the provided one is still valid
BRAPIApi get_calls GET /brapi/v1/calls Check the available BrAPI calls
BRAPIApi get_germplasm_by_search GET /brapi/v1/germplasm Submit a search request for germplasm (type accession in OpenSILEX
BRAPIApi get_observation_units GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationunits List all the observation units measured in the study.
BRAPIApi get_observation_variables GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationvariables List all the observation variables measured in the study.
BRAPIApi get_observations GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observations Get the observations associated to a specific study
BRAPIApi get_studies GET /brapi/v1/studies Retrieve studies information
BRAPIApi get_studies_search GET /brapi/v1/studies-search Retrieve studies information
BRAPIApi get_study_details GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId} Retrieve study details
BRAPIApi get_variable_details GET /brapi/v1/variables/{observationVariableDbId} Retrieve variable details by id
BRAPIApi get_variables_list GET /brapi/v1/variables BrAPIv1CallDTO to retrieve a list of observationVariables available in the system
DataApi add_list_data POST /core/data Add data
DataApi count_data POST /core/data/count Count data
DataApi count_datafiles GET /core/datafiles/count Count datafiles
DataApi create_provenance POST /core/provenances Add a provenance
DataApi delete_data DELETE /core/data/{uri} Delete data
DataApi delete_data_on_search DELETE /core/data Delete data on criteria
DataApi delete_provenance DELETE /core/provenances/{uri} Delete a provenance that doesn't describe data
DataApi export_data GET /core/data/export Export data
DataApi export_data1 POST /core/data/export Export data
DataApi get_data GET /core/data/{uri} Get data
DataApi get_data_file GET /core/datafiles/{uri} Get a data file
DataApi get_data_file_description GET /core/datafiles/{uri}/description Get a data file description
DataApi get_data_file_descriptions_by_search GET /core/datafiles Search data files
DataApi get_data_file_descriptions_by_targets POST /core/datafiles/by_targets Search data files for a large list of targets
DataApi get_data_list_by_targets POST /core/data/by_targets Search data for a large list of targets
DataApi get_data_series_by_facility GET /core/data/data_serie/facility Get all data series associated with a facility
DataApi get_datafiles_provenances GET /core/datafiles/provenances Search provenances linked to datafiles
DataApi get_datafiles_provenances_by_targets POST /core/datafiles/provenances/by_targets Search provenances linked to datafiles for a large list of targets
DataApi get_mathematical_operators GET /core/data/mathematicalOperators Get mathematical operators
DataApi get_pictures_thumbnails GET /core/datafiles/{uri}/thumbnail Get a picture thumbnail
DataApi get_provenance GET /core/provenances/{uri} Get a provenance
DataApi get_provenances_by_ur_is GET /core/provenances/by_uris Get a list of provenances by their URIs
DataApi get_used_provenances GET /core/data/provenances Search provenances linked to data
DataApi get_used_provenances_by_targets POST /core/data/provenances/by_targets Search provenances linked to data for a large list of targets
DataApi get_used_variables GET /core/data/variables Get variables linked to data
DataApi import_csv_data POST /core/data/import Import a CSV file for the given provenanceURI
DataApi post_data_file POST /core/datafiles Add a data file
DataApi post_data_file_paths POST /core/datafiles/description Describe datafiles and give their relative paths in the configured storage system. In the case of already stored datafiles.
DataApi search_data_list GET /core/data Search data
DataApi search_data_list_by_targets POST /core/data/search Search data for a large list of targets
DataApi search_provenance GET /core/provenances Get provenances
DataApi update PUT /core/data Update data
DataApi update_confidence PUT /core/data/{uri}/confidence Update confidence index
DataApi update_provenance PUT /core/provenances Update a provenance
DataApi validate_csv POST /core/data/import_validation Import a CSV file for the given provenanceURI.
DataverseApi available_dataset_languages GET /dataverse/datasetLanguages Get the available dataset languages
DataverseApi available_dataset_metadata_languages GET /dataverse/datasetMetadataLanguages Get the available dataset metadata languages
DataverseApi create_dataset POST /dataverse Create experiment as a Dataset
DataverseApi recherche_data_gouv_base_path GET /dataverse/RechercheDataGouvBasePath Get the Recherche Data Gouv url from the instance configuration
DevicesApi count_device_data GET /core/devices/{uri}/data/count Count device data
DevicesApi create_device POST /core/devices Create a device
DevicesApi delete_device DELETE /core/devices/{uri} Delete a device
DevicesApi export_devices GET /core/devices/export export devices
DevicesApi export_geospatial1 POST /core/devices/export_geospatial Export a given list of devices URIs to shapefile
DevicesApi export_list POST /core/devices/export_by_uris export devices
DevicesApi get_device GET /core/devices/{uri} Get device detail
DevicesApi get_device_by_uris GET /core/devices/by_uris Get devices by uris
DevicesApi get_device_data_files_provenances GET /core/devices/{uri}/datafiles/provenances Get provenances of datafiles linked to this device
DevicesApi get_device_data_provenances GET /core/devices/{uri}/data/provenances Get provenances of data that have been measured on this device
DevicesApi get_device_variables GET /core/devices/{uri}/variables Get variables linked to the device
DevicesApi get_devices_by_facility GET /core/devices/{uri}/facility Get devices by facility
DevicesApi import_csv POST /core/devices/import Import a CSV file with one device per line
DevicesApi search_device_data GET /core/devices/{uri}/data Search device data
DevicesApi search_device_datafiles GET /core/devices/{uri}/datafiles Search device datafiles descriptions
DevicesApi search_devices GET /core/devices Search devices
DevicesApi update_device PUT /core/devices Update a device
DevicesApi validate_csv1 POST /core/devices/import_validation Validate the import of a CSV file with one device per line
DocumentsApi count_documents GET /core/documents/count Count documents
DocumentsApi create_document POST /core/documents Add a document
DocumentsApi delete_document DELETE /core/documents/{uri} Delete a document
DocumentsApi get_document_file GET /core/documents/{uri} Get document
DocumentsApi get_document_metadata GET /core/documents/{uri}/description Get document's description
DocumentsApi search_documents GET /core/documents Search documents
DocumentsApi update_document PUT /core/documents Update document's description
EventsApi count_events GET /core/events/count Count events
EventsApi create_events POST /core/events Create a list of event
EventsApi create_moves POST /core/events/moves Create a list of move event
EventsApi delete_event DELETE /core/events/{uri} Delete an event
EventsApi delete_move_event DELETE /core/events/moves/{uri} Delete a move event
EventsApi get_event GET /core/events/{uri} Get an event
EventsApi get_event_details GET /core/events/{uri}/details Get an event with all it's properties
EventsApi get_move_event GET /core/events/moves/{uri} Get a move with all it's properties
EventsApi get_move_event_by_uris GET /core/events/moves/by_uris Get a list of moves with all positional information
EventsApi import_event_csv POST /core/events/import Import a CSV file with one move and one target per line
EventsApi import_move_csv POST /core/events/moves/import Import a CSV file with one move and one target per line
EventsApi search_events GET /core/events Search events
EventsApi update_event PUT /core/events Update an event
EventsApi update_move_event PUT /core/events/moves Update a move event
EventsApi validate_event_csv POST /core/events/import_validation Check a CSV file with one move and one target per line
EventsApi validate_move_csv POST /core/events/moves/import_validation Check a CSV file with one move and one target per line
ExperimentsApi create_experiment POST /core/experiments Add an experiment
ExperimentsApi delete_experiment DELETE /core/experiments/{uri} Delete an experiment
ExperimentsApi export_experiment_data_list GET /core/experiments/{uri}/data/export export experiment data
ExperimentsApi get_available_facilities GET /core/experiments/{uri}/available_facilities Get facilities available for an experiment
ExperimentsApi get_available_factors GET /core/experiments/{uri}/factors Get factors with their levels associated to an experiment
ExperimentsApi get_available_species GET /core/experiments/{uri}/species Get species present in an experiment
ExperimentsApi get_experiment GET /core/experiments/{uri} Get an experiment
ExperimentsApi get_experiments_by_ur_is GET /core/experiments/by_uris Get experiments URIs
ExperimentsApi get_used_variables1 GET /core/experiments/{uri}/variables Get variables involved in an experiment
ExperimentsApi import_csv_data1 POST /core/experiments/{uri}/data/import Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type.
ExperimentsApi search_experiment_data_list GET /core/experiments/{uri}/data Search data
ExperimentsApi search_experiment_provenances GET /core/experiments/{uri}/provenances Get provenances involved in an experiment
ExperimentsApi search_experiments GET /core/experiments Search experiments
ExperimentsApi update_experiment PUT /core/experiments Update an experiment
ExperimentsApi validate_csv2 POST /core/experiments/{uri}/data/import_validation Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type.
FactorsApi count_factors GET /core/experiments/factors/count Count factors
FactorsApi create_factor POST /core/experiments/factors Create a factor
FactorsApi delete_factor DELETE /core/experiments/factors/{uri} Delete a factor
FactorsApi delete_factor_level DELETE /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri} Delete a factor level
FactorsApi get_factor_associated_experiments GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri}/experiments Get factor associated experiments
FactorsApi get_factor_by_uri GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri} Get a factor
FactorsApi get_factor_level GET /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri} Get a factor level
FactorsApi get_factor_level_detail GET /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri}/details Get a factor level
FactorsApi get_factor_levels GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri}/levels Get factor levels
FactorsApi get_factors_by_ur_is GET /core/experiments/factors/by_uris Get a list of factors by their URIs
FactorsApi search_categories GET /core/experiments/factors/categories Search categories
FactorsApi search_factor_levels GET /core/experiments/factors/factor_levels Search factors levels
FactorsApi search_factors GET /core/experiments/factors Search factors
FactorsApi update_factor PUT /core/experiments/factors Update a factor
FaidareApi get_calls1 GET /faidare/v1/calls Check the available faidare calls
FaidareApi get_germplasms_by_search GET /faidare/v1/germplasm Submit a search request for germplasm
FaidareApi get_locations_list GET /faidare/v1/locations Faidarev1CallDTO to retrieve a list of locations available in the system
FaidareApi get_studies_list GET /faidare/v1/studies Retrieve studies information
FaidareApi get_trials_list GET /faidare/v1/trials Faidarev1CallDTO to retrieve a list of trials available in the system
FaidareApi get_variables_list1 GET /faidare/v1/variables Faidarev1CallDTO to retrieve a list of observationVariables available in the system
GermplasmApi create_germplasm POST /core/germplasm Add a germplasm
GermplasmApi create_germplasm_group POST /core/germplasm_group Add a germplasm group
GermplasmApi delete_germplasm DELETE /core/germplasm/{uri} Delete a germplasm
GermplasmApi delete_germplasm_group DELETE /core/germplasm_group/{uri} Delete a germplasm group
GermplasmApi export_germplasm POST /core/germplasm/export export germplasm
GermplasmApi get_germplasm GET /core/germplasm/{uri} Get a germplasm
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_attribute_values GET /core/germplasm/attributes/{attribute} Get attribute values of all germplasm for a given attribute
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_attributes GET /core/germplasm/attributes Get attributes of all germplasm
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_experiments GET /core/germplasm/{uri}/experiments Get experiments where a germplasm has been used
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_group GET /core/germplasm_group/{uri} Get a germplasm group
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_group_by_ur_is GET /core/germplasm_group/by-uris Get germplasm groups by their URIs
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_group_content GET /core/germplasm_group/{uri}/germplasm Get a germplasm group's germplasm, paginated
GermplasmApi get_germplasm_group_with_germplasms GET /core/germplasm_group/with-germplasm/{uri} Get a germplasm group with nested germplasm details
GermplasmApi get_germplasms_by_uri POST /core/germplasm/by_uris Get a list of germplasms by their URIs
GermplasmApi search_germplasm GET /core/germplasm Search germplasm
GermplasmApi search_germplasm_groups POST /core/germplasm_group/search Search germplasm groups
GermplasmApi update_germplasm PUT /core/germplasm Update a germplasm
GermplasmApi update_germplasm_group PUT /core/germplasm_group Update a germplasm group
MetricsApi get_experiment_summary_history GET /core/metrics/experiment/{uri} Get an experiment summary history
MetricsApi get_running_experiments_summary GET /core/metrics/running_experiments Get running experiments metrics
MetricsApi get_system_metrics GET /core/metrics/system Get system metrics
MetricsApi get_system_metrics_summary GET /core/metrics/system/summary Get system metrics summary
OntologyApi add_class_property_restriction POST /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction Add a rdf type property restriction
OntologyApi check_ur_is_types POST /ontology/check_rdf_types Check the given rdf-types on the given uris
OntologyApi create_property POST /ontology/property Create a RDF property
OntologyApi delete_class_property_restriction DELETE /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction Delete a rdf type property restriction
OntologyApi delete_property DELETE /ontology/property Delete a property
OntologyApi get_base_uri GET /ontology/base_uri Return base uri
OntologyApi get_classes GET /ontology/rdf_types Return classes models definitions with properties for a list of rdf types
OntologyApi get_data_properties GET /ontology/data_properties Search data properties tree
OntologyApi get_linkable_properties GET /ontology/linkable_properties Search properties linkable to a domain
OntologyApi get_name_space GET /ontology/name_space Return namespaces
OntologyApi get_object_properties GET /ontology/object_properties Search object properties tree
OntologyApi get_properties GET /ontology/properties/{domain} Search properties tree
OntologyApi get_properties_by_domain_hierarchy_using_restrictions GET /ontology/domain_hierarchy_restrictions Get restrictions from some super-class domain to one lower down in the hierarchy, ordered by what domain they first appear in.
OntologyApi get_property GET /ontology/property Return property model definition detail
OntologyApi get_rdf_type GET /ontology/rdf_type Return class model definition with properties
OntologyApi get_shared_resource_instances GET /ontology/shared_resource_instances Return the list of shared resource instances
OntologyApi get_sub_classes_of GET /ontology/subclasses_of Search sub-classes tree of an RDF class
OntologyApi get_sub_properties_of GET /ontology/subproperties_of Return property list from a parent property
OntologyApi get_uri_label GET /ontology/uri_label Return associated rdfs:label of an uri if exists
OntologyApi get_uri_labels_list GET /ontology/uris_labels Return associated rdfs:label of uris if they exist
OntologyApi get_uri_types GET /ontology/uri_types Return all rdf types of an uri
OntologyApi rename_uri PUT /ontology/{uri}/rename Rename all occurrences of the given URI
OntologyApi search_sub_classes_of GET /ontology/subclasses_of/search Search sub-classes tree of an RDF class
OntologyApi update_class_property_restriction PUT /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction Update a rdf type property restriction
OntologyApi update_property PUT /ontology/property Update a RDF property
OrganizationsApi create_facility POST /core/facilities Create a facility
OrganizationsApi create_organization POST /core/organisations Create an organisation
OrganizationsApi create_site POST /core/sites Create a site
OrganizationsApi delete_facility DELETE /core/facilities/{uri} Delete a facility
OrganizationsApi delete_organization DELETE /core/organisations/{uri} Delete an organisation
OrganizationsApi delete_site DELETE /core/sites/{uri} Delete a site
OrganizationsApi get_all_facilities GET /core/facilities/all_facilities Get all facilities
OrganizationsApi get_facilities_by_uri GET /core/facilities/by_uris Get facilities by their URIs
OrganizationsApi get_facility GET /core/facilities/{uri} Get a facility
OrganizationsApi get_organization GET /core/organisations/{uri} Get an organisation
OrganizationsApi get_site GET /core/sites/{uri} Get a site
OrganizationsApi get_sites_by_uri GET /core/sites/by_uris Get a list of sites
OrganizationsApi minimal_search_facilities GET /core/facilities/minimal_search Search facilities returning minimal embedded information for better performance
OrganizationsApi search_facilities GET /core/facilities Search facilities
OrganizationsApi search_organizations GET /core/organisations Search organisations
OrganizationsApi search_sites GET /core/sites Search all sites
OrganizationsApi update_facility PUT /core/facilities Update a facility
OrganizationsApi update_organization PUT /core/organisations Update an organisation
OrganizationsApi update_site PUT /core/sites Update a site
PositionsApi count_moves GET /core/positions/count Count moves
PositionsApi get_position GET /core/positions/{uri} Get the position of an object
PositionsApi search_geospatialized_position POST /core/positions/geospatializedPosition Search the last geospatialized position of a target for an experiment
PositionsApi search_position_history GET /core/positions/history Search history of position of an object
ProjectsApi create_project POST /core/projects Add a project
ProjectsApi delete_project DELETE /core/projects/{uri} Delete a project
ProjectsApi get_project GET /core/projects/{uri} Get a project
ProjectsApi get_projects_by_uri GET /core/projects/by_uris Get projects by their URIs
ProjectsApi search_projects GET /core/projects Search projects
ProjectsApi update_project PUT /core/projects Update a project
ScientificObjectsApi count_scientific_objects GET /core/scientific_objects/count Count scientific objects
ScientificObjectsApi create_scientific_object POST /core/scientific_objects Create a scientific object for the given experiment
ScientificObjectsApi delete_scientific_object DELETE /core/scientific_objects/{uri} Delete a scientific object
ScientificObjectsApi export_csv POST /core/scientific_objects/export Export a given list of scientific object URIs to csv data file
ScientificObjectsApi export_geospatial2 POST /core/scientific_objects/export_geospatial Export a given list of scientific object URIs to shapefile or geojson
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_object_data_files_provenances GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/datafiles/provenances Get provenances of datafiles linked to this scientific object
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_object_data_provenances GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/data/provenances Get provenances of data that have been measured on this scientific object
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_object_detail GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri} Get scientific object detail
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_object_detail_by_experiments GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/experiments Get scientific object detail for each experiments, a null value for experiment in response means a properties defined outside of any experiment (shared object).
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_object_variables GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/variables Get variables measured on this scientific object
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_objects_children GET /core/scientific_objects/children Get list of scientific object children
ScientificObjectsApi get_scientific_objects_list_by_uris POST /core/scientific_objects/by_uris Get scientific objet list of a given experiment URI
ScientificObjectsApi get_used_types GET /core/scientific_objects/used_types get used scientific object types
ScientificObjectsApi import_csv1 POST /core/scientific_objects/import Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type.
ScientificObjectsApi search_scientific_objects GET /core/scientific_objects Search list of scientific objects
ScientificObjectsApi search_scientific_objects_with_geometry_list_by_uris GET /core/scientific_objects/geometry Get scientific objet list with geometry of a given experiment URI
ScientificObjectsApi update_scientific_object PUT /core/scientific_objects Update a scientific object for the given experiment
ScientificObjectsApi validate_csv3 POST /core/scientific_objects/import_validation Validate a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type.
SecurityApi add_favorite POST /security/accounts/favorites Add a favorite
SecurityApi add_favorite1 POST /security/users/favorites Add a favorite
SecurityApi create_account POST /security/accounts Add an account
SecurityApi create_group POST /security/groups Add a group
SecurityApi create_person POST /security/persons Add a person
SecurityApi create_profile POST /security/profiles Add a profile
SecurityApi create_user POST /security/users Add a user
SecurityApi delete_account DELETE /security/accounts/{accountURI} Delete an account
SecurityApi delete_favorite DELETE /security/accounts/favorites/{uriFavorite} Delete a favorite
SecurityApi delete_favorite1 DELETE /security/users/favorites/{uriFavorite} Delete a favorite
SecurityApi delete_group DELETE /security/groups/{uri} Delete a group
SecurityApi delete_profile DELETE /security/profiles/{uri} Delete a profile
SecurityApi get_account GET /security/accounts/{uri} Get an account
SecurityApi get_accounts_by_uri GET /security/accounts/by_uris Get accounts by their URIs
SecurityApi get_all_profiles GET /security/profiles/all Get all profiles
SecurityApi get_favorites GET /security/accounts/favorites Get list of favorites for a user
SecurityApi get_favorites1 GET /security/users/favorites Get list of favorites for a user
SecurityApi get_gdpr_file GET /security/persons/GDPR Get RGPD PDF
SecurityApi get_group GET /security/groups/{uri} Get a group
SecurityApi get_groups_by_uri GET /security/groups/by_uris Get groups by their URIs
SecurityApi get_orcid_record GET /security/persons/orcid_record Get infos from an ORCID
SecurityApi get_person GET /security/persons/{uri} Get a Person
SecurityApi get_persons_by_uri GET /security/persons/by_uris Get persons by their URIs
SecurityApi get_profile GET /security/profiles/{uri} Get a profile
SecurityApi get_user GET /security/users/{uri} Get a user
SecurityApi get_user_groups GET /security/accounts/{uri}/groups Get groups of a user
SecurityApi get_user_groups1 GET /security/users/{uri}/groups Get groups of a user
SecurityApi get_users_by_uri GET /security/users/by_uris Get users by their URIs
SecurityApi search_accounts GET /security/accounts Search accounts
SecurityApi search_groups GET /security/groups Search groups
SecurityApi search_persons GET /security/persons Search persons
SecurityApi search_profiles GET /security/profiles Search profiles
SecurityApi search_users GET /security/users Search users
SecurityApi update_account PUT /security/accounts Update an account
SecurityApi update_group PUT /security/groups Update a group
SecurityApi update_person PUT /security/persons Update a person
SecurityApi update_profile PUT /security/profiles Update a profile
SecurityApi update_user PUT /security/users Update a user
SpeciesApi get_all_species GET /core/species get species (no pagination)
StapleAPIApi export_ontology_file GET /staple/ontology_file Export ontology file for Staple API as turtle syntax
StapleAPIApi get_resource_graphs GET /staple/resource_graph Get all graphs associated with resources
SystemApi get_version_info GET /core/system/info get system information
VariablesApi classic_export_variable_by_ur_is POST /core/variables/export_classic_by_uris export variable by list of uris
VariablesApi copy_from_shared_resource_instance POST /core/variables/copy_from_shared_resource_instance Copy the selected variables from the shared resource instance
VariablesApi create_characteristic POST /core/characteristics Add a characteristic
VariablesApi create_entity POST /core/entities Add an entity
VariablesApi create_interest_entity POST /core/entities_of_interest Add an entity of interest
VariablesApi create_method POST /core/methods Add a method
VariablesApi create_unit POST /core/units Add an unit
VariablesApi create_variable POST /core/variables Add a variable
VariablesApi create_variables_group POST /core/variables_group Add a variables group
VariablesApi delete_characteristic DELETE /core/characteristics/{uri} Delete a characteristic
VariablesApi delete_entity DELETE /core/entities/{uri} Delete an entity
VariablesApi delete_interest_entity DELETE /core/entities_of_interest/{uri} Delete an entity of interest
VariablesApi delete_method DELETE /core/methods/{uri} Delete a method
VariablesApi delete_unit DELETE /core/units/{uri} Delete an unit
VariablesApi delete_variable DELETE /core/variables/{uri} Delete a variable
VariablesApi delete_variables_group DELETE /core/variables_group/{uri} Delete a variables group
VariablesApi details_export_variable_by_ur_is POST /core/variables/export_details_by_uris export detailed variable by list of uris
VariablesApi get_characteristic GET /core/characteristics/{uri} Get a characteristic
VariablesApi get_characteristics_by_ur_is GET /core/characteristics/by_uris Get detailed characteristics by uris
VariablesApi get_datatypes GET /core/variables/datatypes Get variables datatypes
VariablesApi get_entities_by_ur_is GET /core/entities/by_uris Get detailed entities by uris
VariablesApi get_entity GET /core/entities/{uri} Get an entity
VariablesApi get_interest_entities_by_ur_is GET /core/entities_of_interest/by_uris Get detailed entities of interest by uris
VariablesApi get_interest_entity GET /core/entities_of_interest/{uri} Get an entity of interest
VariablesApi get_method GET /core/methods/{uri} Get a method
VariablesApi get_methods_by_ur_is GET /core/methods/by_uris Get detailed methods by uris
VariablesApi get_unit GET /core/units/{uri} Get an unit
VariablesApi get_units_by_ur_is GET /core/units/by_uris Get detailed units by uris
VariablesApi get_variable GET /core/variables/{uri} Get a variable
VariablesApi get_variables_by_ur_is GET /core/variables/by_uris Get detailed variables by uris
VariablesApi get_variables_group GET /core/variables_group/{uri} Get a variables group
VariablesApi get_variables_group_by_ur_is GET /core/variables_group/by_uris Get variables groups by their URIs
VariablesApi search_characteristics GET /core/characteristics Search characteristics by name
VariablesApi search_entities GET /core/entities Search entities by name
VariablesApi search_interest_entity GET /core/entities_of_interest Search entities of interest by name
VariablesApi search_methods GET /core/methods Search methods by name
VariablesApi search_units GET /core/units Search units by name
VariablesApi search_variables GET /core/variables Search variables
VariablesApi search_variables_details GET /core/variables/details Search detailed variables by name, long name, entity, characteristic, method or unit name
VariablesApi search_variables_groups GET /core/variables_group Search variables groups
VariablesApi update_characteristic PUT /core/characteristics Update a characteristic
VariablesApi update_entity PUT /core/entities Update an entity
VariablesApi update_interest_entity PUT /core/entities_of_interest Update an entity of interest
VariablesApi update_method PUT /core/methods Update a method
VariablesApi update_unit PUT /core/units Update an unit
VariablesApi update_variable PUT /core/variables Update a variable
VariablesApi update_variables_group PUT /core/variables_group Update a variables group
VueJsApi get_config GET /vuejs/config Return the current configuration
VueJsApi get_extension GET /vuejs/extension/js/{module}.js Return the front Vue JS extension file to include
VueJsApi get_extension_style GET /vuejs/extension/css/{module}.css Return the front Vue JS extension css file to include
VueJsApi get_theme_config GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/config Return the front Vue JS theme configuration
VueJsApi get_theme_css GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/style.css Return the theme css file
VueJsApi get_theme_resource GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/resource Return the theme requested resource
VueJsApi get_user_config GET /vuejs/user_config Return the user-specific configuration
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi create_rdf_type POST /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type Create a custom class
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi delete_rdf_type DELETE /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type/{uri} Delete a RDF type
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi get_data_types1 GET /vuejs/owl_extension/data_types Return literal datatypes definition
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi get_object_types GET /vuejs/owl_extension/object_types Return object types definition
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi get_rdf_type1 GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type Return rdf type model definition with properties
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi get_rdf_type_properties GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type_properties Return class model properties definitions
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi get_rdf_types_parameters GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_types_parameters Return RDF types parameters for Vue.js application
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi set_rdf_type_properties_order PUT /vuejs/owl_extension/properties_order Define properties order
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi update_rdf_type PUT /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type Update a custom class

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.
