OpenSenseNova / piccolo-embedding

code for piccolo embedding model from SenseTime
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Piccolo2: General Text Embeddings with Multi-Task Hybrid loss Training


🔥 Our general sentence embedding sensenova/piccolo-large-zh-v2 achieves SOTA on the CMTEB Leaderboard with an average score of 70.95. [2024/4/23]

📄 Results on CMTEB Leaderboard [click to expand]

💡Model Highlights

Here we introduce Piccolo2, an embedding model that surpasses other models in the comprehensive evaluation over 6 tasks on CMTEB benchmark, setting a new state-of-the-art. Piccolo2 primarily leverages an efficient multi-task hybrid loss training approach, effectively harnessing textual data and labels from diverse downstream tasks. In addition, Piccolo2 scales up the embedding dimension and uses MRL training to support more flexible vector dimensions.

For huggingface model, please refer to our space:
For training details, please refer to our tech report:

📖 Repo Details

In this repo, we release our training code and implement some tricks that are helpful for embedding training, including:


  1. The repository will default to training using a multi-task hybrid loss, which is described in our technical report.

  2. For embdding dimension scaling, we hard code the pretrain path, input dim and output dim in the code:

    self.scaling_layer = ScalingLayer(origin_dim=1024, scaling_dim=1792)
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_name_or_path, '2_Dense/pytorch_model.bin')):
    scaling_layer_state_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(model_name_or_path, '2_Dense/pytorch_model.bin'))
    self.scaling_layer.load_state_dict(scaling_layer_state_dict, strict=True)
  3. For MRL training, we hard code the nesting list. Feel free to modify it by yourself.

    self.mrl_nesting_list = [256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280, 1536, 1792]
  4. If you want to increase the length of the position embedding, set extend_pe to True and then set max_length to your expected length in the scripts.

🔨 Best Practice

1. Environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Prepare Dataset

We divide the dataset into three major categories: retrieval/reranking, clustering/classification, abd sts/pair classification, and we adopt different loss functions for different categories. In data_example dir, we provide example for these three types of data.

1) Retri: For Retrieval and Reranking dataset, we implement standard InfoNCE with in-batch-negative, this dataset contain 4 columns: text, text_pos, text_neg, type. Here 'type' is 'retri_contrast'

2) STS: For STS and Pair-Classification dataset, we implement the cosent loss, this dataset contain 4 columns: text, text_pair, label, type. Here 'type' is 'cosent'

3) Cls: For Classification and Clustering dataset, we implement the InfoNCE w/o in-batch-negative, this dataset contain 4 columns: text, text_pos, text_neg, type. Here 'type' is 'cls_contrast'

The 'type' column indicates the type of the current dataset. We obtain the type of the current batch to apply different loss functions.

3. Training

We offer the training script located at scripts/ Below we've provided explanations for the variables used within the script.

Environment Variables

Training Variables


bash scripts/

🤗 Model List

Model Language Description prompt
sensenova/piccolo-large-zh-v2 Chinese version2: finetuning with multi-task hybrid loss training None
sensenova/piccolo-large-zh Chinese version1: pretrain under 400 million chinese text pair '查询'/'结果'
sensenova/piccolo-base-zh Chinese version1: pretrain under 400 million chinese text pair '查询'/'结果'


If you find our tech report, models or code helpful, please cite our report or give a star on github or huggingface!

Author = {Junqin Huang and Zhongjie Hu and Zihao Jing and Mengya Gao and Yichao Wu},
Title = {Piccolo2: General Text Embedding with Multi-task Hybrid Loss Training},
Year = {2024},
Eprint = {arXiv:2405.06932},