OpenSourceOrg / dotOrg

Public tracker of issues
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 1 forks source link


This repo is for open-source-initiative, powered by WordPress.

Project Structure

If the PHPCS checks are taking too long because of a plugin/code that we aren't responsible for, feel free to include that plugin folder in the files .vipgoci_lint_skip_folders and .vipgoci_phpcs_skip_folders. Please use this feature sparingly. We view the checks as a safety mechanism that can save sites from serious errors.

If mu-plugins are needed for a project, create a mu-plugins directory and include a mu-autoloader.php file within that mu-plugins directory (/mu-plugins/mu-autoloader.php). In that mu-autoloader.php file, add the following contents:

 * This file is for loading all mu-plugins within subfolders
 * where the PHP file name is exactly like the directory name + .php.
 * Example: /mu-tools/mu-tools.php

$dirs = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR);

foreach($dirs as $dir) {
    if(file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($dir) . ".php")) {
        require($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($dir) . ".php");

GitHub Workflow

  1. Make your fix in a new branch.
  2. Merge your fix/ branch into the develop branch and test on the staging site.
  3. If all looks good, make a PR and merge from your fix branch into trunk.

NOTE: While PRs are not required to be manually reviewed, we are happy to review any PR for any reason. Please ping us in Slack with a link to the PR.


Developer Checklist v1.0