OpenTTD-China-Set / China-Set-Trains

The Train sector of the China Set of OpenTTD.
GNU General Public License v2.0
10 stars 5 forks source link

China Set: Trains README

0 Contents

  1. About
  2. General information
    • Requirements
    • Installation
    • Parameter settings
    • Usage
  3. Known issues
  4. Background information
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Credits
  7. Contact information
    • Bug reports
    • Other problems
    • General enquiries
  8. License
  9. Obtaining the source

1 About

China Set: Trains is the train sector of the China set of OpenTTD. It is developed by China Set Team, which can be found in Part 6.

2 General information

2.1 Requirements

2.2 Installation

OpenTTD: see

This NewGRF is available from the ingame Online Content.

2.3 Parameter settings

Purchase and running costs can be defined using NewGRF parametres. Default parametres are:

Purchase cost setting: 25%

Running cost setting: 25%

Cargo age period, which affects the devaluing of cargo as time goes, can be extended using NewGRF parametres. Default is "Standard". "Long" is "Standard" doubled, while "Very Long" is "Long" Doubled. Even in "Standard" mode, cargo age period varies depending on wagon types.

2.4 Usage

Everything in this set is Mainland China rolling stock, in addition of several wagon types from international/interregional connections.

Locomotives and multiple units featuring refitting are for deciding the speed and traction effort suitable for freight or passenger operations and/or livery refitting.

When livery refitting is available, the default setting is year-dependent livery. That means when the livery is scheduled be changed between specific years, locomotive, multiple unit or coach will automatically update to the next livery.

The next option is build year livery, which means that locomotive, multiple unit or coach will remain on the livery scheme as built. It overrides the automatic update of livery, enabling former livery being usable on the time when it's not otherwise available anymore.

The third option is to manually choose a livery from liveries already introduced.

Speed and traction effort can be choosed at the same time (if locomotive or multiple unit has one) with year-dependent, build year or manual livery.

Wagon refitting behaves as in normal OpenTTD, there is cargo-specific graphics on major part of wagons.

3 Known issues

Some wagons will appear too "tubeous" on consist. If you do notice too tubeous wagons on consist, please report them to the China Set Dev Team.

4 Background information

Information regarding rolling stock is provided from realiable sources. Errors may exist, do report them when encountered.

5 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can't I use this in older versions of OpenTTD or TTDPatch?

A: This NewGRF uses some features only available to OpenTTD r26157 and newer. Furthermore, the most recent version of NML used to build this NewGRF, produces GRF version 8. This is only supported by OpenTTD r23166 and newer anyways.

6 Credits


Project leading and management:

Information basis:

Graphics (see \docs\voxelsource.txt for details):



GoRender Tools:

Makefile system (not by China Set Team):

Code Reference:

Helpers on Discord:

Special thanks to:

Everyone whom thanks is due;

Patch Pack Developers, especially JGR;

OpenTTD Developers;

Chris Sawyer.

7 Contact information

7.1 Bug reports

Please report any bugs you find at bug tracker: or forum topic:

Always included a detailed description of the bug, preferrably with screenshot and savegame. Also state the exact game version you're using, as well as the version of this NewGRF.

If you have a savegame that includes NewGRFs not available on OpenTTD's Online Content, then please try to reproduce the bug in a new game which has all NewGRFs easily accessible.

If you're using a patched version of the game, please try to reproduce the bug on an official game build. If you can't reproduce the bug, then don't report it here but in the forum topic of the patch(pack) instead.

7.2 Other problems

If you have any problems using this NewGRF that are not covered in the Frequently Asked Questions above, then you can ask your questions in the forum topic:

7.3 General enquiries

If you have any queries that cannot be asked in the forum topic, then contact John Franklin (JohnFranklin523) via Private Message at

8 License

China Set: Trains

Copyright (C) 2023 China Set Team

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, please check

9 Obtaining the source

The source code can be obtained from GitHub.

Using Linux or WSL:

# you'll have to install gorender from
# here we use apt for demo

# dependencies
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install make
pip3 install nml
# we would also need gcc, but that should be already included in most distros

# compiling
# alternatively, you could use "make -j" n where n is the total number of parallel tasks you want to run at once.

Using Windows (Scoop is advised here, but non-scoop compilations are also possible):

# we suggest you to use scoop; you can get scoop @

# dependencies
scoop bucket add main
scoop bucket add openttd
scoop install python
scoop install make
scoop install openttd/nml
scoop install openttd/gorender
# we would need the gcc compiler in from mingw
scoop install mingw

# compiling
# alternatively, you could use "make -j n" where n is the total number of parallel tasks you want to run at once.