OpenTransport / gtfs-csv2rdf

Mapping script which transforms GTFS CSV into GTFS RDF (turtle, jsonld or ntriples)
MIT License
13 stars 7 forks source link


npm version

Mapping library which transforms GTFS CSV files into GTFS triples using the Linked GTFS vocabulary.

If you need route planning over Linked Data, then please check out the Linked Connections framework instead. Transforming GTFS to Linked Data will not return you the data in a format that is useful for route planning.



Install using npm install gtfs-csv2rdf --save

Command Line

In this case, you can install it globally using npm install -g gtfs-csv2rdf

# First argument: path to gtfs
# Second argument: the base URI
# Third argument (optional): the requested format (turtle (default), ntriples or jsonld)
gtfs-csv2rdf turtle > gtfsintriples.ttl

As a nodejs library

By example:

var fs = require('fs');
var N3 = require('n3');
var gtfs-csv2rdf = require('gtfs-csv2rdf').zipToTriples;
var path = "/path/to/";
if (/(.*\/)?(.*?)\.zip/.exec(path)) {
  var feedname = /(.*\/)?(.*?)\.zip/.exec(path)[2];
} else {
  throw "Not a zip file: " + path;
//create the writer of turtle file towards stdout
var streamWriter = new N3.StreamWriter({ 'gtfs': '',
                                         'rdf': '',
                                         'foaf' : '',
                                         'dct' : '',
                                         'rdfs' : '',
                                         'owl' : '',
                                         'xsd' : '',
                                         'vann' : '',
                                         'skos' : '',
                                         'dcat' : ''});
var options = {
  feedname : feedname,
  baseuri : ""
gtfscsv2rdf(fs.createReadStream(path), streamWriter, options);

For other functions, check out the main file of the library