OpenTree-Education / rhizone-lms

A learning management system focused on self-reflection.
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
14 stars 7 forks source link

Rhizone LMS

This monorepo contains the applications and services that constitute the Rhizone Learning Management System.

Getting started

A. Clone the repository to your development machine

You can clone the repository via HTTPS as normal, but if you plan to contribute code to this repository in the future, you may want to consider installing and configuring the GitHub CLI tool to clone the repository after logging in. This helps address authentication errors when pushing commits to your working branch in the repository.

  1. Install the GitHub CLI from its website, following the instructions for your operating system / platform.
  2. In your terminal, run the command gh auth login. Choose the following options:
    • What account do you want to log into?
    • What is your preferred protocol for Git operations? SSH
    • Generate a new SSH key to add to your GitHub account? Y
    • Enter a passphrase for your new SSH key (Optional) leave this blank, just press [ENTER]
    • How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser
  3. Copy the code that is given to you, then open the GitHub Device Login page in your web browser and log in to GitHub.
  4. Once logged in, press [ENTER] to complete the login process in the terminal.
  5. Change directory to the folder you would like to store your repository clone. Our recommendation would be ~/Developer.
  6. In your terminal, run the command: gh repo clone OpenTree-Education/rhizone-lms to clone the repository.
  7. If you will be using Visual Studio Code to edit code for this project, you can use the following command to open the repository in VSCode: code rhizone-lms Otherwise, open the repository in the editor or IDE of your choice.

B. GitHub authentication

The app uses GitHub as an auth provider. Each dev must create their own GitHub app to handle authentication.

  1. Log into GitHub.
  2. Go to Settings / Developer settings.
  3. Click "OAuth Apps", then click "New OAuth App" or "Register a new application".
  4. Enter the following data.
    • Application name: Rhizone LMS (Development)
    • Homepage URL:
    • Application description: Rhizone LMS (Development)
    • Authorization callback URL:
  5. Click "Register application".
  6. Click "Generate a new client secret".
  7. In your terminal or code editor, make a copy of the .env.example file in the clone you made of the repository and name it .env.
    1. Paste the Client ID from GitHub as the value for GITHUB_CLIENT_ID.
    2. Paste the Client Secret from GitHub as the value for GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET.

C. Development domain name

The development environment assumes that the domains and resolve to your dev machine.

  1. Open your hosts file for editing. You may need to do this with administrator privileges. On macOS and Linux, the file is at /etc/hosts. On Windows it is at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
  2. Add the following lines to resolve the development domain names to the loopback address.

D. Docker Compose

The development environment uses Docker Compose to run all the required services at once.

  1. Install Docker Compose. For macOS and Windows users, Docker Compose comes with Docker Desktop.
  2. Run docker compose up to start the dev environment.
  3. Once the containers have started, visit in your web browser to use the app.
  4. When finished developing, press CTRL + C to stop Docker Compose.

E. Running the dev servers

When accessing or, the Nginx configuration that Docker Compose uses first checks to see whether the webapp or api are running on localhost, respectively. If they are, the requests are forwarded to localhost, otherwise they're forwarded to their Docker containers.

While working on the api, run yarn develop from the ./api/ directory while docker compose up is also running.

While working on the webapp, run yarn develop from the ./webapp/ directory while docker compose up is also running.

F. Rebuilding images

When working on tasks such as Nginx configuration or database migrations, or after pulling changes to the webapp or api from GitHub, the images need to be rebuilt before starting Docker Compose again. This can be done with either docker compose build or docker compose up --build.



The /api folder contains an Express.js server that exposes an HTTP API that allows other applications to interact with the database and third-party services like GitHub.


The /db folder contains scripts and migrations for the database.


The /nginx folder contains configuration files for Nginx for different environments.


The /webapp folder contains a React app that enables user functionality and communicates with the api.

Hints and troubleshooting

Use a version manager for Node

This project expects specific versions of Node and Yarn to be used. It is recommended to install Node Version Manager and call nvm use from each project directory before running Node scripts.

nvm offers additional tips in its documentation about deeper shell integration such as automatically calling nvm use when using the cd command.

Create an alias for docker compose

docker compose takes longer to type than dc, so add an alias in your shell to simplify running commands. For example, the following will add a line aliasing dc to docker compose in the ~/.profile file.

echo 'alias dc="docker compose"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Then any docker compose command would be able to be run with dc. For example, docker compose up, would be simply dc up.

Create a global .gitignore file

Your operating system and IDE may create files and folders inside the project directory. Since the project can't account for which operating systems and IDEs its contributors use, these paths are not listed in the project's .gitignore file.

To prevent these files from getting picked up by Git across your machine, create a global .gitignore file. Check out this Gist for more info.

Automatically fix files before committing

ESLint and Prettier can automatically fix many mistakes that will cause automated checks to fail. It is recommended to use the preconfigured yarn delint command before committing to a module that supports it.

For files that aren't reformatted by Prettier, configure your IDE to ensure there is a newline at the end of the file on save.