OpenTreeOfLife / clade-workshops

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Curate publications that do not provide a tree file #6

Open GZhang2 opened 8 years ago

GZhang2 commented 8 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to curate publications that do not publish any tree files in one of the standard format. I have come across at least three fairly recent publications of Curculionoidea phylogenies, and I could not find a tree file in any of those. No trees were deposited in TreeBASE or a public repository or not even provided in supplementary file. It would be useful to annotate these publications with labels such as 'tree files not available' to just indicate these publications have been looked at and they do not contain tree files. Anybody looking at the same publications will not have to waste time to repeat this process. It does take quite a bit of time to just read through the papers to make sure they really do not provide any tree files.

kcranston commented 8 years ago

Good idea! Here are two possible strategies:


jar398 commented 8 years ago

Mendeley is annoying because (a) it's commercial (b) you need a Mendeley login (c) you need to learn how to use their web UI, which is nonobvious. But it would work; my notes say that something like

gets you the opentree article list. (you have to provide a valid authorization header, so the actual commands are more complicated, but I've done it.)

The other option, using 'Add study', would be good, because then the study list would be integrated with our infrastructure (such the study index), and I think we should encourage it if there isn't something better. But it requires a github login, and you are subject to nagging about CC0 and missing metadata. I think I would favor something similar to our current feedback interface, but maybe with a few enhancements like the DOI lookup widget.