OpenUpSA / mpr_analysis

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MPR Analysis

Medicine Price Registry data cleaning and prep for analysis.



Create a Postgres database at localhost named mpr owned by role mpr. e.g.

# psql
psql (9.6.3)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# create role mpr with login;
postgres=# create database mpr with owner mpr;

Create a python virtual environment for the project, activate it, and install dependencies. e.g.

virtualenv2 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create DB schema by running migrations:

PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head

Load the data

python mpr_analysis/ data/all-consistent-date-cleaned.xlsx

This prints out some messages like "Could not process Pedea (a40/3.1/0174) due to lack of nappi code" and progress stats like

products    22300 (8412)
prices      22300 (17300)
ingredients 39732 (2947)
{'schedule': u'S3', 'applicant_licence_no': u'242', 'is_generic': None, 'regno': u'41/7.1.3/0147', 'pack_size': 28, 'applicant_name': u'Novartis SA (Pty) Ltd', 'num_packs': 1, 'name': u'Co-Diovan', 'ingredients': [{'strength': '13', 'name': u'Valsartan', 'unit': u'mg'}, {'strength': '13', 'name': u'Hydrochlorothiazide', 'unit': u'mg'}], 'sep': 241.36, 'effective_date': datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 24, 0, 0), 'nappi_code': '710048001', 'dosage_form': u'Tab'}