OpenUserCSS / OpenUserCSS-DeepDark

Host your code in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. ( dark theme)
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link
arc-dark arc-dark-theme arc-theme breeze breeze-dark breeze-dark-theme dark-theme deepdark mint-y-dark mint-y-dark-theme mint-y-theme openusercss openusercss-dark-theme stylus theme userstyle vertex-dark vertex-dark-theme vertex-theme


alt tag Host your code in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. ( dark theme)

The official dark theme for OpenUserCSS.

This is a dark theme for OpenUserCSS inspired by FT DeepDark.

Also, credit where credit is due for the color palettes down bellow. (@KDE, @horst3180, @linuxmint, Firefox, YouTube and Discord)

Install directly with Stylus

Theme as a userstyle here.

You can also install all my themes at once from here.


Main website alt tag

Forum alt tag alt tag alt tag


The colors are available in the code; different colors can be used. alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag