OpenVisualCloud / SVT-JPEG-XS

Welcome to the SVT JPEG XS codec Repository.
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Intel® JPEG-XS Library


Scalable Video Technology is licensed under the OSI-approved BSD+Patent license. See LICENSE for details.


You are solely responsible for determining if your use of jpeg-xs requires any additional licenses. Intel is not responsible for obtaining any such licenses, nor liable for any licensing fees due, in connection with your use of jpeg-xs.


This library is implementation of ISO/IEC 21122 protocol.

Environment and Requirements

Encoder/Decoder sample app and libraries requirements:

Unit Tests requirements (SvtJpegxsUnitTests):

Supported OS versions:

Build and Install

Windows* Operating Systems (64-bit)

Linux* Operating Systems (64-bit)


Supported colour formats


format EncApp: format + input-depth ffmpeg name status
YUV 420 8-bit yuv420 + 8 yuv420p Tested, working properly
YUV 420 10/12/14-bit yuv420 + 10/12/14 yuv420p{10/12/14}le Tested, working properly
YUV 422 8-bit yuv422 + 8 yuv422p Tested, working properly
YUV 422 10/12/14-bit yuv422 + 10/12/14 yuv422p{10/12/14}le Tested, working properly
YUV 444 8-bit yuv444 + 8 yuv444p Tested, working properly
YUV 444 10/12/14-bit yuv444 + 10/12/14 yuv444p{10/12/14}le Tested, working properly
RGB 8-bit rgb + 8 gbrp Tested, working properly
RGB 10/12/14-bit rgb + 10/12/14 gbrp{10/12/14}le Tested, working properly
YUV 400 8-bit yuv400 + 8 - Unsupported
YUV 400 10-bit yuv400 + 10/12/14 - Unsupported


format EncApp: format + input-depth ffmpeg name status
RGB 8bit rgbp + 8 rgb24/bgr24 Tested, working properly, decoder decodes to planar format only
RGB 10/12/14bit rgbp + 10/12/14 - Tested, working properly, decoder decodes to planar format only

Usage examples


SvtJpegxsEncApp.exe -i <input_file.yuv> -b <output_bitstream.bin> -w 1920 -h 1080 --input-depth 8 --colour-format yuv422 --bpp 5 --decomp_v 2 --decomp_h 5 --lp 4


./SvtJpegxsEncApp -i <input_file.yuv> -b <output_bitstream.bin> -w 1920 -h 1080 --input-depth 8 --colour-format yuv422 --bpp 5 --decomp_v 2 --decomp_h 5 --lp 4

Compression ratio

To encode stream with compression rate of 12:1 (assuming 8bit yuv420p), one pixel require 12bits so --bpp 1 should be used:

./SvtJpegxsEncApp -i <input_file.yuv> -b <output_bitstream.bin> -w 1920 -h 1080 --input-depth 8 --colour-format yuv420 --bpp 1 --decomp_v 2 --decomp_h 5 --lp 4

Latency measurement

To measure average frame encoding time (latency) --limit-fps and high enough --lp parameters have to be used, cmd example:

./SvtJpegxsEncApp -i <input_file.yuv> -b <output_bitstream.bin> -w 1920 -h 1080 --input-depth 8 --colour-format yuv422 --bpp 5 --decomp_v 2 --decomp_h 5 --lp 4 --limit-fps 60

The --limit-fps must be lower than the maximum achievable number of frames. So that the next frames are not queued (time of waiting frames for processing is included in the latency time).

Interlaced video

To encode an interlaced stream, please provide a height that is half of the original. For example, for a 1080i stream, use -w 1920 -h 540 instead of -w 1920 -h 1080

Available parameters


[--help]                   Show usage options and exit
[--show-bands]             Print detailed informations about bands
                            (enabled:1, disable:0, default:0)
[-v]                       Verbose Encoder internal level (disabled:0, errors:1,
                            system info:2, system info full:3, warnings:4, ... all:6,
                            default: 2)

Input Options:

-i                         Input Filename
-w                         Frame width
-h                         Frame height
--colour-format            Set encoder colour format (yuv420, yuv422,  yuv444, rgb(planar), rgbp(packed))
                            (Experimental: yuv400)
--input-depth              Input depth
--bpp                      Bits Per Pixel, can be passed as integer or float
                            (example: 0.5, 3, 3.75, 5 etc.)
[-n]                       Number of frames to encode
[--limit-fps]              Limit number of frames per second
                            (disabled: 0, enabled [1-240])

Output Options:

[-b]                       Output filename
[--no-progress]            Do not print out progress (no print:1, print:0, default:0)
[--packetization-mode]     Specify how encoded stream is returned (multiple packets per frame:1, single packet per frame:0, default:0),
                           for details please refer to Codestream/Slice packetization mode

Coding features used during Rate Calculation (quality/speed tradeoff):

[--decomp_v]               Vertical decomposition (0, 1, 2, default: 2)
[--decomp_h]               Horizontal decomposition have to be greater or equal to
                            decomp_v (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, default: 5)
[--quantization]           Quantization method(deadzone:0, uniform:1, default:0)
[--slice-height]           The height of each slice in units of picture luma pixels (default:16, any value that is multiple of 2^(decomp_v))
[--coding-signs]           Enable Signs handling strategy (full:2, fast:1, disable:0, default:0)
[--coding-sigf]            Enable signification coding (enabled:1, disable:0, default:1)
[--coding-vpred]           Enable Vertical Prediction coding (disable:0, zero prediction residuals:1, zero coefficients:2, default: 0)
[--rc]                     Rate Control mode (
                            CBR: budget per precinct: 0,
                            CBR: budget per precinct with padding movement: 1,
                            CBR: budget per slice: 2,
                            CBR: budget per slice with nax size RATE: 3,
                            default 0)

Threading, performance:

[--asm]                    Limit assembly instruction set [0 - 11] or [c, mmx, sse, sse2,
                            sse3, ssse3, sse4_1, sse4_2, avx, avx2, avx512, max], by default
                            highest level supported by CPU
[--profile]                Threading model type, can be passed as digit (0, 1) or string
                            (latency, cpu) 0:latency (Low Latency mode), 1:cpu (Low CPU use
                            mode), default is 0
[--lp]                     Thread Scaling parameter, the higher the value the more threads
                            are created and thus lower latency and/or higher FPS can be
                            achieved (default: 0, which means lowest possible number of threads is created)


Usage examples


SvtJpegxsDecApp.exe -i <input_bitstream.bin>  -o <output_file.yuv> --lp 5


./SvtJpegxsDecApp -i <input_bitstream.bin>  -o <output_file.yuv> --lp 5

Latency measurement

To measure average frame decoding time (latency) --limit-fps and high enough --lp parameters have to be used, cmd example:

./SvtJpegxsDecApp -i <input_bitstream.bin>  -o <output_file.yuv> --lp 5 --limit-fps 60

The --limit-fps must be lower than the maximum achievable number of frames. So that the next frames are not queued (time of waiting frames for processing is included in the latency time).

Available parameters


[--help]                   Show usage options and exit
[-v]                       Verbose decoder internal level (disabled:0, errors:1,
                            system info:2, system info full:3, warnings:4, ... all:6,
                            default: 2)
[--force-decode]           Force decode first frame

Input Options:

-i                         Input Filename
[-n]                       Number of frames to decode
[--find-bitstream-header]  Find bitstream header
[--limit-fps]              Limit number of frames per second
                            (disabled: 0, enabled [1-240])
[--packetization-mode]     Specify how bitstream is passed to decoder
                            (multiple packets per frame:1, single packet per frame:0, default:0)

Output Options:

[-o]                       Output Filename

Threading, performance:

[--asm]                    Limit assembly instruction set [0 - 11] or [c, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3,
                            ssse3, sse4_1, sse4_2, avx, avx2, avx512, max], by default highest
                            level supported by CPU
[--lp]                     Thread Scaling parameter, the higher the value the more threads are
                            created and thus lower latency and/or higher FPS can be achieved
                            (default: 0, which means lowest possible number of threads is created)

Encoder and Decoder design

Please see Encoder design

Please see Decoder design

API usage

Please see Encoder snippet for encoder structure overview and simplified encoder usage.

Please see Decoder snippet for decoder structure overview and simplified decoder usage.


The information in this document was compiled at v0.9 may not reflect the latest status of the design. For the most up-to-date settings and implementation, it's recommended to visit the section of the code.