OpenVoiceOS / VocalFusionDriver

Raspberry Pi VocalFusion linux driver for kernel 5.10
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Raspberry Pi VocalFusion linux driver for kernel 5.10 (possibly 5.x)

How to test / use

Compile the module in the driver sub-folder and install it. (better Makefile and instructions will follow shortly)

Copy over the dtbo overlay(s) to the /boot/overlay folder (depends a bit on the used distro)

Add the following section to the config.txt dtoverlay=xvf3510

What is already done / implemented

What still to do (when time allows it)

With above changes I can provide dtoverlays for all the different I2S based hats (3610/3510/3500/3000). You then just have to load this one driver module by loading the right dtoverlay within config.txt to initiate and load the soundcard.