OpenVoiceOS / ovos-gui

ovos-core metapackage for gui daemon
Apache License 2.0
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OVOS GUI MessageBus

GUI messagebus service, manages GUI state and implements the gui protocol

GUI clients (the application that actually draws the GUI) connect to this service


plugins provide platform specific GUI functionality, such as determining when to show a homescreen or close a window

you should usually not need any of these unless instructed to install it from a GUI client application


under mycroft.conf

  "gui": {
    // Override: SYSTEM (set by specific enclosures)
    // Uncomment or add "idle_display_skill" to set initial homescreen
    // "idle_display_skill": "skill-ovos-homescreen.openvoiceos",

    // Extensions are plugins that provide additional GUI platform support for specific devices
    // eg, if using ovos-shell you should set extension to "ovos-gui-plugin-shell-companion"
    "extension": "generic",

    // Default generic extension can provide homescreen functionality if enabled
    "generic": {
        "homescreen_supported": false

    // Optional file server support for remote clients
    // "gui_file_server": true,
    // "file_server_port": 8000,

    // Optional support for collecting GUI files for container support
    // The ovos-gui container path for these files will be {XDG_CACHE_HOME}/ovos_gui_file_server.
    // With the below configuration, the GUI client will have files prefixed with the configured host path,
    // so the example below describes a situation where `{XDG_CACHE_HOME}/ovos_gui_file_server` maps
    // to `/tmp/gui_files` on the filesystem where the GUI client is running.    
    // "gui_file_host_path": "/tmp/gui_files",

    // Optionally specify a default qt version for connected clients that don't report it
    "default_qt_version": 5

  // The GUI messagebus websocket.  Once port is created per connected GUI
  "gui_websocket": {
    "host": "",
    "base_port": 18181,
    "route": "/gui",
    "ssl": false