OpenVoiceOS / ovos_skill_manager

skill installer for OVOS
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 6 forks source link

:warning: This project is no longer maintained :warning:

Skills are now recommended to be packaged for installation as Python packages. More information on skill installation is available in the docs.

This project can still be used as a replacement for MSM where MSM is supported.

ovos-core version 0.0.8 is the last version of ovos-core to implement OSM.

OVOS skills manager

Install skills from any appstore!

The mycroft-skills-manager alternative that is not vendor locked, this means you must use it responsibly!

Do not install random skills, different appstores have different policies!

Keep in mind any skill you install can modify mycroft-core at runtime, and very likely has root access if you are running on a raspberry pi

Supported stores


pip install ovos-skills-manager


osm provides a few command line utilities, explained below


Install a mycroft skill! Either pass a search query or a github url

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm install --help
Usage: osm install [OPTIONS]

  --skill TEXT                    skill to install
  --branch TEXT                   select skill github branch to use
  --folder TEXT                   path where skill will be installed, default

  --search                        search appstores, otherwise assume it's a
                                  github url

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|default|all]
                                  search a specific appstore, default search
                                  appstores enabled in config file

  --method [all|name|url|category|author|tag|description]
                                  match this metadata field when searching
  --fuzzy / --exact               exact or fuzzy matching, default fuzzy
  --thresh INTEGER RANGE          fuzzy matching threshold from 0 (everything
                                  is a match) to 100 (exact match),  default

  --no-ignore-case                ignore upper/lower case, default ignore
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Enable a new skills store

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm enable --help
Usage: osm enable [OPTIONS]

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|all]
                                  enable a specific appstore
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Disable a skills store

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm disable --help
Usage: osm disable [OPTIONS]

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|all]
                                  disable a specific appstore
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Sync skill list for a skills store

Suggestion: set a cronjob for this

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm sync --help
Usage: osm sync [OPTIONS]

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|default|all]
                                  sync a specific appstore, default syncs
                                  appstores enabled in config file

  --rebuild                       rebuild skill database, if not set only sync
                                  data for new skills

  --merge                         merge skill data, if not set replaces skill

  --github                        augment skill data from github, by default
                                  only saves data provided directly by the

  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Change priority of a skills store, this will affect order of results and have impact in the OSM-skill (coming soon)

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm priority --help
Usage: osm priority [OPTIONS]

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo]
                                  change priority of a specific appstore
  --priority INTEGER RANGE        appstore priority, from 0 (highest) to 100

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Print config

print current configuration of osm, config file can be found at ~/.config/OpenVoiceOS/OVOS-SkillsManager.json

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm print --help
Usage: osm print [OPTIONS]

  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|all|default]
                                  print config of a specific appstore
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Search skills and print results, searching can be done according any number of criteria, this is useful for discovery

(.venv) user@hostname:~$ osm search --help
Usage: osm search [OPTIONS]

  --query TEXT                    Search a skill with this query
  --method [all|name|url|category|author|tag|description]
                                  match this metadata field when searching
  --appstore [ovos|mycroft|pling|andlo|default|all]
                                  search a specific appstore, by default
                                  searches appstores enabled in config file

  --fuzzy / --exact               exact or fuzzy matching
  --thresh INTEGER RANGE          fuzzy matching threshold from 0 (everything
                                  is a match) to 100 (exact match)

  --no-ignore-case                ignore upper/lower case
  --help                          Show this message and exit.