OpenWaterFoundation / owf-app-infomapper-builder-ng

Open Water Foundation web application to build an InfoMapper configuration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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General tips for creating a new Angular application

This section will offer some guidance to creating a new Angular application.

Keep the global @angular/cli up to date

The CLI is what's used to create the new projects, so if @angular/cli version 9.0.3 is installed, then that's the application version that will be installed. This would immediately need multiple major version updates, which is time consuming and unnecessary if the globally installed CLI npm package is up to date.

Create the application with the Angular CLI

The command below was run to create this application. The options are as follows:

ng new infomapper-builder --routing=true --skip-git=true --style=scss

Using the AWS SDK

Amazon has created the third version of its AWS JavaScript SDK, which can be imported using the npm scope @aws-sdk/some-package. This version is more modular in that only the packages being used can be imported from the @aws-sdk scope. More information can be found in the SDK welcome page and the official documentation.


This section details an errors or other hang ups in project creation, and should act as a guide for resolving these issues in the future.

Component decorator is showing an error

If the version of TypeScript that VSCode is using is less than the installed version in the Angular project, this error will display. An update and restart of VSCode resolved this issue, and checking the TypeScript before and after the update confirmed this.

Angular Material core theme

When using Angular Material, a theme must be defined. Add the desired theme's path to its CSS file in the project's angular.json styles array. If using a pre-built theme, it will be in the @angular/material/prebuilt-themes folder in node_modules.

Importing module from Angular library shows long errors

When importing a module from an Angular library, a very long error is shown that look something like the following:

../../../../AngularDev/git-repos/owf-app-dev-ng/ng-workspace/node_modules/@angular/material/fesm2020/menu.mjs:60:13-27 - Error: export '??resetView' (imported as 'i0') was not found in '@angular/core' (possible exports: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, APP_ID, APP_INITIALIZER, ApplicationInitStatus, ApplicationModule, ApplicationRef, Attribute, COMPILER_OPTIONS, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Compiler, CompilerFactory, Component, ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, ContentChild, ContentChildren, DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, DebugElement, DebugEventListener, DebugNode, DefaultIterableDiffer, Directive, ElementRef, EmbeddedViewRef, ErrorHandler, EventEmitter, Host, HostBinding, HostListener, INJECTOR, Inject, InjectFlags, Injectable, InjectionToken, Injector, Input, IterableDiffers, KeyValueDiffers, LOCALE_ID, MissingTranslationStrategy, ModuleWithComponentFactories, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, NgModule, NgModuleFactory, NgModuleRef, NgProbeToken, NgZone, Optional, Output, PACKAGE_ROOT_URL, PLATFORM_ID, PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, Pipe, PlatformRef, Query, QueryList, ReflectiveInjector, ReflectiveKey, Renderer2, RendererFactory2, RendererStyleFlags2, ResolvedReflectiveFactory, Sanitizer, SecurityContext, Self, SimpleChange, SkipSelf, TRANSLATIONS, TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT, TemplateRef, Testability, TestabilityRegistry, Type, VERSION, Version, ViewChild, ViewChildren, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation, ViewRef, asNativeElements, assertPlatform, createNgModuleRef, createPlatform, createPlatformFactory, defineInjectable, destroyPlatform, enableProdMode, forwardRef, getDebugNode, getModuleFactory, getNgModuleById, getPlatform, inject, isDevMode, platformCore, resolveForwardRef, setTestabilityGetter, ?ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS, ?APP_ID_RANDOM_PROVIDER, ?ChangeDetectorStatus, ?ComponentFactory, ?Console, ?DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID, ?INJECTOR_SCOPE, ?LifecycleHooksFeature, ?LocaleDataIndex, ?NG_COMP_DEF, ?NG_DIR_DEF, ?NG_ELEMENT_ID, ?NG_INJ_DEF, ?NG_MOD_DEF, ?NG_PIPE_DEF, ?NG_PROV_DEF, ?NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR, ?NO_CHANGE, ?NgModuleFactory, ?NoopNgZone, ?ReflectionCapabilities, ?Render3ComponentFactory, ?Render3ComponentRef, ?Render3NgModuleRef, ?RuntimeError, ?ViewRef, ?_sanitizeHtml, ?_sanitizeUrl, ?allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow, ?bypassSanitizationTrustHtml, ?bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl, ?bypassSanitizationTrustScript, ?bypassSanitizationTrustStyle, ?bypassSanitizationTrustUrl, ?clearResolutionOfComponentResourcesQueue, ?compileComponent, ?compileDirective, ?compileNgModule, ?compileNgModuleDefs, ?compileNgModuleFactory, ?compilePipe, ?createInjector, ?defaultIterableDiffers, ?defaultKeyValueDiffers, ?detectChanges, ?devModeEqual, ?findLocaleData, ?flushModuleScopingQueueAsMuchAsPossible, ?getDebugNode, ?getDebugNodeR2, ?getDirectives, ?getHostElement, ?getInjectableDef, ?getLContext, ?getLocaleCurrencyCode, ?getLocalePluralCase, ?getSanitizationBypassType, ?global, ?injectChangeDetectorRef, ?isBoundToModule, ?isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy, ?isListLikeIterable, ?isObservable, ?isPromise, ?isSubscribable, ?ivyEnabled, ?makeDecorator, ?markDirty, ?noSideEffects, ?patchComponentDefWithScope, ?publishDefaultGlobalUtils, ?publishGlobalUtil, ?registerLocaleData, ?registerNgModuleType, ?renderComponent, ?resetCompiledComponents, ?resetJitOptions, ?resolveComponentResources, ?setClassMetadata, ?setCurrentInjector, ?setDocument, ?setLocaleId, ?store, ?stringify, ?transitiveScopesFor, ?unregisterLocaleData, ?unwrapSafeValue, ?whenRendered, ??CopyDefinitionFeature, ??FactoryTarget, ??InheritDefinitionFeature, ??NgOnChangesFeature, ??ProvidersFeature, ??advance, ??attribute, ??attributeInterpolate1, ??attributeInterpolate2, ??attributeInterpolate3, ??attributeInterpolate4, ??attributeInterpolate5, ??attributeInterpolate6, ??attributeInterpolate7, ??attributeInterpolate8, ??attributeInterpolateV, ??classMap, ??classMapInterpolate1, ??classMapInterpolate2, ??classMapInterpolate3, ??classMapInterpolate4, ??classMapInterpolate5, ??classMapInterpolate6, ??classMapInterpolate7, ??classMapInterpolate8, ??classMapInterpolateV, ??classProp, ??contentQuery, ??defineComponent, ??defineDirective, ??defineInjectable, ??defineInjector, ??defineNgModule, ??definePipe, ??directiveInject, ??disableBindings, ??element, ??elementContainer, ??elementContainerEnd, ??elementContainerStart, ??elementEnd, ??elementStart, ??enableBindings, ??getCurrentView, ??getInheritedFactory, ??hostProperty, ??i18n, ??i18nApply, ??i18nAttributes, ??i18nEnd, ??i18nExp, ??i18nPostprocess, ??i18nStart, ??inject, ??injectAttribute, ??invalidFactory, ??invalidFactoryDep, ??listener, ??loadQuery, ??namespaceHTML, ??namespaceMathML, ??namespaceSVG, ??nextContext, ??ngDeclareClassMetadata, ??ngDeclareComponent, ??ngDeclareDirective, ??ngDeclareFactory, ??ngDeclareInjectable, ??ngDeclareInjector, ??ngDeclareNgModule, ??ngDeclarePipe, ??pipe, ??pipeBind1, ??pipeBind2, ??pipeBind3, ??pipeBind4, ??pipeBindV, ??projection, ??projectionDef, ??property, ??propertyInterpolate, ??propertyInterpolate1, ??propertyInterpolate2, ??propertyInterpolate3, ??propertyInterpolate4, ??propertyInterpolate5, ??propertyInterpolate6, ??propertyInterpolate7, ??propertyInterpolate8, ??propertyInterpolateV, ??pureFunction0, ??pureFunction1, ??pureFunction2, ??pureFunction3, ??pureFunction4, ??pureFunction5, ??pureFunction6, ??pureFunction7, ??pureFunction8, ??pureFunctionV, ??queryRefresh, ??reference, ??resolveBody, ??resolveDocument, ??resolveWindow, ??restoreView, ??sanitizeHtml, ??sanitizeResourceUrl, ??sanitizeScript, ??sanitizeStyle, ??sanitizeUrl, ??sanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl, ??setComponentScope, ??setNgModuleScope, ??styleMap, ??styleMapInterpolate1, ??styleMapInterpolate2, ??styleMapInterpolate3, ??styleMapInterpolate4, ??styleMapInterpolate5, ??styleMapInterpolate6, ??styleMapInterpolate7, ??styleMapInterpolate8, ??styleMapInterpolateV, ??styleProp, ??stylePropInterpolate1, ??stylePropInterpolate2, ??stylePropInterpolate3, ??stylePropInterpolate4, ??stylePropInterpolate5, ??stylePropInterpolate6, ??stylePropInterpolate7, ??stylePropInterpolate8, ??stylePropInterpolateV, ??syntheticHostListener, ??syntheticHostProperty, ??template, ??templateRefExtractor, ??text, ??textInterpolate, ??textInterpolate1, ??textInterpolate2, ??textInterpolate3, ??textInterpolate4, ??textInterpolate5, ??textInterpolate6, ??textInterpolate7, ??textInterpolate8, ??textInterpolateV, ??trustConstantHtml, ??trustConstantResourceUrl, ??viewQuery)

This is because the version of the Angular application and library are not the same. According to the developers, they try to make it so an application up to 2 major versions ahead of the library will still work, but that is not guaranteed. A safer and more robust solution would be to just make sure they are both as caught up as possible to the LTS version. Updating both to the same major version removed these errors.

App recompile shows NG0301 error

Sometimes an application refresh shows an ambiguous Angular error that just shows Error: NG0301 and nothing else. Google searches tend to think it's a template file parsing error, or other errors that is the same NG error, but includes more descriptive text. The effected area of the page will either not render, or not correctly render the code on the page.

A consistent solution has been to make sure the area in the DOM is template code from a specific component. It has been every time this error has occurred. Navigate to the .ts file of said component and make a trivial change to it. After a save and recompile, the component should be rendered correctly (or as the created).

This seems to be an issue where web pack, or something else, 'forgets' about the component's existence in the application. Making a change to the component's TypeScript file helps it remember again.

UPDATE: According to this Stack Overflow question, deleting the .angular/ folder and rerunning ng serve will resolve this issue. It indeed worked, and should be done to resolve this issue. I will update this again if necessary if this did not solve the issue for good, but for now, it better than making tiny changes to many components in the app. The cause for this is still unfortunately unknown.