OpenWaterFoundation / swsi-story-sp-hydrology

South Platte Basin story to provide context for hydrology and need for storage
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This repository contains the "South Platte and Metro Basin Hydrology" story and all of its associated content. This story provides a summary of South Platte and Metro Basin hydrology in order to provide background for understanding water resources issues in the Basin. The purpose of the story is to provide general context regarding the hydrology of the Basin and to provide links to useful datasets and resources.

The Hydrology story was created with the fullPage.js JavaScript library.
See the story deployed on the Open Water Foundation (OWF)'s website.

Repository Contents

The repository contains the following:

analysis/             Folder containing data files from external sources and R scripts used to process the data files
build-util/           Folder containing useful scripts to view, build, and deploy documentation
site/                 Folder containing the static website and all of the data in the website
  css/                Folder containing CSS (cascading style sheet) files used to style the story 
  data/               Folder containing data used to create visualizations, such as maps
  images/             Folder containing images used within the story
  js/                 Folder containing JavaScript files used within the story, including copies of third-party libraries and local code
  visualizations/     Folder containing CSS, JavaScript and data files used to create many of the hydrograph visualizations in the story
  webfonts/           Folder containing fonts used within the story
  index.html          The landing page (website) for the story
  VERSION.txt         Text file that provides the date of the last update of the story 
.gitattributes        Typical Git configuration file for repository attributes, in particular handling of line-ending and binary files
.gitignore            Typical Git configuration file to ignore files that should not be committed to the repository             This file; an explanation of repository contents, data files and sources

Data Sources for Hydrology Story

The table below lists each page of the Hydrology story and the data, if applicable, used to create the visualization within that page. Any data processing steps are summarized in the README files either in the site/data folder, the site/visualizations folder or the analysis folder.

Page Number Page Name Data Files Data Source
1 South Platte and Metro Basin Hydrology None None
2 Hydrology Concepts - The Hydrologic Cycle None None
3 Hydrology Concepts - Hydrographs boulder-creek-hydrographs.csv CDSS HydroBase
4 Hydrology Concepts - Variability natural-flows-annual-duration-selectlocations.csv StateMod Natural Flow time series
5 Hydrology Concepts - Water Resources System None None
6 North Sterling Irrigation District irrigated-lands-2015-wdid0100687.geojson CDSS Division 1 Irrigated Lands 2015
7 Hydrology Concepts - Streamgages and Measuring Flows cdss-mapviewer-active-streamgages.geojson CDSS Map Viewer
8 Hydrology Concepts - Diversion Headgates and Measuring Diversions cdss-structures-ditches-southplatte.geojson, ditch-watersources.csv CDSS Structures shapefile
9 Hydrology Concepts - Groundwater and Measuring Water Level and Pumping None None
10 Hydrology Concepts - Return Flows None None
11 Hydrology Concepts - Natural, Regulated and Available Flows natural-regulated-available-flows-06696000.csv, natural-regulated-available-flows-06764000.csv StateMod Natural Flow, River Outflow and Available Flow time series
12 Modeling Concepts - Point Flow Models None None
13 Modeling Concepts - CDSS and StateMod statemod-node-network.geojson StateMod SP2016.rin file and CDSS HydroBase
14 Water Demands - Agriculture crop-irrigation-requirements.csv CSU Extension Fact Sheet: Seasonal Water Needs and Opportunities for Limited Irrigation for Colorado Crops
15 Water Demands - Agriculture ag-diversion-hydrographs.csv CDSS HydroBase
16 Water Demands - Municipalities and Industry municipal-indoor-outdoor-demand.csv StateMod Total Demand time series
17 Water Demands - Environment and Recreation envr-rec-flows-example.csv CDSS HydroBase and South Platte BIP Appendix D-2 - Environmental and Recreational Assessment Methodology and Framework
18 Water Demands - Administering and Managing Demands None None
19 Storage - Snowpack and SNOTEL Stations None None
20 Storage - Reservoirs reservoirs-initial-storage-examples.csv StateMod Initial Storage time series
21 Storage - Groundwater None None
22 Transbasin Diversions southplatte-transbasin-diversions.geojson, transbasin-diversions-average-annual-diverted.csv CDSS HydroBase
23 Drought None None
24 Climate Change None None
25 Hydrology Tools - Source Water Route Framework CO-DWR-SourceWaterRouteFramework-Division01-20180228-reduced.geojson CDSS
26 Hydrology Tools - CDSS SNODAS Tools None None
27 Hydrology Tools - Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI) None None
28 Hydrology Tools - Drought Monitor None None
29 Timeline of Addressing Water Supply Issues in the South Platte Basin None None
30 Summary None None
31 Resources None None
32 Sources None None


The Open Water Foundation has created this story during the South Platte Data Platform project. If you use the repository and have comments, please contact the maintainers and/or use the GitHub issues to provide feedback.


Kristin Swaim (@kswaim, is the primary maintainer at the Open Water Foundation.

Steve Malers (@smalers, is the secondary contact.


None yet, other than OWF staff.