Openscapes / 2021-noaa-nmfs

Openscapes Champions Cohort for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA NMFS), Coordinated by NWFSC
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2021 NOAA NMFS Openscapes Champions Cohort

Welcome to the 2021 NOAA NMFS Openscapes Champions Cohort! This is a Cohort for the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Learn more about Openscapes and the Champions Program:

Cohort Agendas

We will meet as a Cohort via Zoom four times over two months for 1.5 hours, on alternating Fridays in September and October 2021. Additionally, we will schedule several GitHub Clinics before Call 2.

Agenda links below are only accessible to Cohort participants (coming soon!), as they are also an archive of our live google-docing. Please see for more detail and to view blank versions of the agendas.

Date Cohort Call Agendas Series Chapters Between Cohort Calls
09/17 1. Openscapes mindset mindset Seaside Chat (trailhead); Team 1:1's with Eli
9/20, 9/22 GitHub Clinics
publishing, project management Hands-on collaboration in the browser: editing, committing, and Issues
10/01 2. Team culture and data strategies for future us team culture, data strategies Seaside Chat (code of conduct); Team 1:1's with Eli; Co-working
10/15 3. Open communities and coding strategies for future us coding with communities, coding strategies Seaside Chat (pathways); Team 1:1's with Eli; Co-working
10/29 4. Pathways share

This cohort GitHub organzation also has a wiki with GitHub links and resources that you can reference and add to. Tip: You can listen instead of read material online via talkify.

Participating teams

These are the teams participating: please edit this repo yourself following our GitHub Clinic!

The NWFSC Eco/Stock Assessment Team is a cross-divisional team (Fisheries Resource and Monitoring, Conservation Biology and Fish Ecology) at NWFSC. The team's will be working on analyses and visualization of fisheries-dependent and -independent data to inform both groundfish stock assessments and integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA). Potential projects include 1) analysis of ecosytem drivers and associated responses, 2) estimation of species-specific habitats in the context of fishing gear utilization, 3) incorporation of ecosystem considerations into stock assessments, 4) visualization of IEA indicator distributions and trends, and/or 5) development of a strata explorer app.

The NWFSC FEAT Team is from the Fisheries Resource and Monitoring division at NWFSC. This team will focus on streamlining data tracking/sharing/processing within the Fisheries Engineering and Acoustic Technologies (FEAT) team, as well as improving onboarding/offboarding of personnel, coordinating Pacific hake biomass calculation dataflow for stock assessors, MSE, and other interested parties. Web presence/GitHub Org:

The NWFSC Protected Salmonids Team is from the Conservation Biology division at NWFSC. This team will be working on improving data workflow related to protected PNW salmonids. We will be focusing on more robust data workflows: 1) better data tracking, 2) personnel on-boarding systems, 3) loss of critical connections with our diverse data partners when staff retire or leave, and 4) implementing more automated data workflows. Team members are from the Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring Program working on the PNW Viability Reports that support the WCR Status Reviews for endangered and threatened salmonids and from the Genetics and Evolution Program working on the salmon bycatch RM&E program in the west coast groundfish fisheries. Web presence/GitHub Org:

The NWFSC WRAP Team is a cross-divisional team from the Fish Ecology and Fisheries Resource and Monitoring divisions at NWFSC. This team is working to coordinate sharing of data for marine ecosystem or life cycle modeling projects.

The AFSC Team is from the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering (RACE) division at AFSC. This team will be working improve data, code and report workflows for survey data. Data: curation, processing and dissemination, including implementing continuous integration. Code: improving collaboration on code packages survey data processing and prep, streamlining code development and sharing. Reports: automating reports, collaborating on proposal writing, and automating standard data products. Web presence/GitHub Org: afsc-gap-products with onboarding page.

The SEFSC Team is part of the SouthEast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR; in the Sustainable Fisheries division at SEFSC. This team will be working on improving data workflow, automating reports, and collaborating on packages and functions for assessment model output and diagnostics for Southeast stock assessments for the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic.

The NEFSC Team in part collects fisheries dependent data in collaboration with the fishing industry. These data can be underutilized, in part due to their complex nature, and this complexity creates challenges for their use in reproducible research products. The team is interested in strengthening open science approaches to increase the value of these data by opening the door to new users who have previously been unable to use the data sets due to their complex nature. Web presence/GitHub Org:

Openscapes team

Julie Lowndes, Openscapes founder and co-director, NCEAS, UCSB, lead

Eli Holmes, NWFSC Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring Program, co-lead

Corey Clatterbuck, Seagrant Fellow at the California Water Boards Office of Information Management and Analysis, assisting

More Background on Openscapes and the Champions program:

This opportunity is funded in part and coordinated by NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC).