Orbiter-Finance / OB_ReturnCabin

Orbiter Finance smart contracts
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blockchain bridge cross-rollups cryptocurrency ethereum layer2 orbiter rollups smart-contracts

Contract System Design

For the scheme to become infrastructure, it is essential to abstract a general business model from actual requirements, including cross-chain transfer requirements of the same token, different tokens, and NFT.

Orbiter's world comprises two parts: Sender initiating events in the initiating network and Maker responding events in the target network.

Orbiter's mission is to ensure that these two events happen in unison.

How does Orbiter complete the process?

A. To make Senders feel safe to initiate events, Makers pledges sufficient margin in the MDC contract on-chain to respond to the event.

B. If Maker fails to respond to the Sender's initiated event promised, Sender should send an arbitration request to MDC contract and provide proof of initiating event.

C. If Maker fails to provide MDC contract with proof of responding event within the specified time, MDC contract will compensate Sender with Maker's margin.

orbiter_ mechanism

Orbiter’s system contains three contracts and modules:

These three contracts and modules run on Chain X, which can be any smart contract supporting environment in the Ethereum system, the Ethereum mainnet, any Rollups, or even Source Network or Target Network as long as the chain keeps smart contracts.

The three contract modules work together like this:


What is the MDC?

MDC(Maker Deposit Contract) is a storage contract for margin, which specifies a common arbitration process logic. Maker will pre-deposit the margin into the MDC contract and lock a sufficient margin to make a specific cross-rollup transfer (Event binding contract, environment, and currency) to ensure that the Sender can be compensated in an adverse case.

How does the MDC deal with the arbitration?

Arbitration proceedings will be initiated when all of the following conditions happen.

After the whole arbitration process has been completed, the Sender will get assets back and compensation.

Orbiter reads the valid hash value recorded by two networks in the mainnet as a basis for arbitration.

The following conditions should make Sender's decision:

Before Sender decides to transfer, it only needs to know the operation condition of Maker's address corresponding to other transfers off-chain to see the Maker's ability and choose whether to transfer.


We are developing an SPV module, and it will be open-sourced when we complete it. Currently, the state is:

They will be deployed in about two month.
