OrderedSet86 / gtnh-flow

Factory Optimization Flowcharts for Gregtech: New Horizons
MIT License
80 stars 24 forks source link


What is it?

A tool designed for complex GT packs. In specific, aims to achieve:

  1. Quick comparisons of power lines - which ones are "better" in terms of build difficulty, output, I/O efficiency, etc.
  2. Showing complex processing lines clearly all in one diagram (eg platline, petrochem, rare earths, etc)
  3. An easy standard tool for making balancing decisions
  4. Quickly prototyping weird ideas or swapping out different parts in a complex machine line

It achieves this by automatically doing machine balancing math for you. You define a machine process once, then you can modify total system I/O or overclocks by only changing a few lines, and gtnh-flow will recompute everything in seconds. Outputs are given visually in either png or pdf (searchable!) format using graphviz.


Light Fuel w/inefficient hydrogen source Platline



  1. Clone repository (git clone https://github.com/OrderedSet86/gtnh-flow.git)
  2. Download Python and dependencies (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  3. Graphviz is an external library and will need to be downloaded separately (on Debian-based Linux this is sudo apt-get install graphviz)


(The next steps will ask you to run some commands - use Powershell or WSL for this.)

  1. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/OrderedSet86/gtnh-flow.git or download it using Code (green button) -> Download ZIP on Github, then unzip.
  2. Download Python 3 and install from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/. pip --version and python --version should both return valid version numbers from the command line. Python should be version 3.
  3. Navigate to the cloned git repository in a command prompt and install the Python dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Graphviz is an external library and will need to be downloaded separately. The graphviz maintainers have a guide: https://forum.graphviz.org/t/new-simplified-installation-procedure-on-windows/224. It is important that Graphviz is added to the System PATH for either all users or current users and you may need to restart Windows for this change to take effect.

How do I use it?

  1. Create a project file under projects/. You can look at existing projects to see how to structure it. In flow's current form, you need to specify exact I/O and eut/duration in seconds, as well as which voltage you wish to actually run the machine at (for calculating overclocks). In addition, at least one machine will need a number or target argument to be specified, which tells the program how to balance the rest of the machines in the network. (The green nodes in the example above are the numbered nodes.)
  2. Run the project by name using python factory_graph.py, then inputting whatever your project is called (eg "power/benzene/iv").
  3. Output graph will pop up and also be available in output/!

What is a "target" / "number" argument?

The idea of gtnh-flow is to automatically do all the machine balancing math for you. But you need to specify at least one machine for the information to propagate out to the rest of the graph. Both "target" and "number" provide this information. Examples:

Some Tips

It's still beta

gtnh-flow cannot solve certain parallel edge product situations - this is hopefully being resolved in version 2, which is currently in pre-alpha development. It will take a while as I am trying to avoid the way Factorio solvers work, which is to define an "objective" value for every item in the game. This is impractical to do and permanently maintain for GTNH.