OrigamingWasTaken / appleblox

Lightweight Roblox launcher for MacOS
MIT License
7 stars 0 forks source link
macos neutralinojs roblox svelte

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AppleBlox is a simple Roblox launcher for MacOS, heavily inspired by Bloxstrap. Supports DiscordRPC, Fast-flags & more to come.

You can get a demo of the app from the Releases

For more recent builds, see the nightly releases

Pre-compiled Binaries

AppleBlox contains pre-compiled binaries of some programs at build/lib/MacOS from:

I plan on modifying this to compile those binaries at build step, but that would mean having to install Rust and Xcode, so I'm not really sure... If you're worried that those could be modified by me or another contributor to include malicious code, you can look at the "VirusTotal Scan" GitHub workflow. This workflow scans the release assets for malicious code.


To setup the app on your machine, clone this repo and run npm install. You will also need to install some packages with the command: brew install create-dmg.

To start the dev environnement, run npm run dev.

To build, run npm run build. (If you don't want to create dmgs)

To build and package the app, run npm run build:release.

The app is made with Svelte (Frontend) and NeutralinoJS (Backend). If you haven't heard about NeutralinoJS, it is a lightweight alternative coded in c++ to frameworks like Electron or NW.JS. It is still growing, but is stable enough to be used on one platform. You can learn more about it on https://neutralino.js.org/docs.


All contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues and pull requests. For further discussion, contact me at contact@origaming.ch or on discord @Origaming.



Logo found on https://macosicons.com (Sorry but I couldn't find the designer's name ^^'). Features inspirations from BloxStrap.