Vault Eagle
# Let's create a new virtual environment
python3 -m venv eagle-python
source ./eagle-python/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd eagleproject
cp eagleproject/ eagleproject/.env
# edit eagleproject/.env and add in your provider URL (alchemy, for example)
# run a postgresql db locally and setup DATABASE_URL in .env
python migrate
# Below line allows for multithreading from bash on macOS High Sierra
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY="your api key here"
source ./eagle-python/bin/activate
python ./ runserver
# Start by visiting http://localhost:8000/snap to download blockchain snapshot (will take a few mins)
# Otherwise, the root dashboard view will crash (with an IndexError)
# Visit http://localhost:8000/reload to download blockchain data (data download starts from block 10884500)
# Otherwise, there will be no events shown for the contracts
$ cp eagleproject/eagleproject/ eagleproject/eagleproject/docker.env
$ docker-compose up
# push to stable branch
git checkout stable
git merge origin/master
git push origin stable
The app is based on Django and presents two main views - snapshot data and contract event data.
Snapshot data view consists of total supply of OUSD, OUSD APY, Vault Holdings and allocations among other things
Contract event data view consists of the latest events for OUSD, Vault, Governance, and other contracts
Data ingest: