Originate / OriginateTheme

OriginateTheme is a lightweight user interface theming framework.
MIT License
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Build Status CocoaPods compatible

OriginateTheme is a lightweight user interface theming framework.

About OriginateTheme

OriginateTheme introduces the concept of a theme. A theme is specified in a JSON file and describes the basic look and feel of your application. After integrating the OriginateTheme framework into your project, the specified JSON file will be automatically parsed and transformed to accessible Objective-C classes via a code generation phase. These created or modified classes are added to the OriginateTheme framework before each source code compilation.

The following example displays the basic structure of a JSON file which can be read by the OriginateTheme framework.

    "fonts" : {
        "default" : {
            "name" : "HelveticaNeue",
            "size" : 14.0
        "defaultBold" : {
            "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Bold",
            "size" : 14.0
        "defaultLight" : {
            "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Light",
            "size" : 14.0
        "defaultItalic" : {
            "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Thin",
            "size" : 14.0
    "colors" : {
        "primary" : "70CFFFFF",
        "secondary" : "FCD92B",
        "success" : "95BE22",
        "warning" : "FFA500EE",
        "error" : "BD2C00",
    "components" : {
        "navigationBar" : {
            "colors" : {
                "background" : "84E0FA",
                "tint" : "000000",
            "fonts" : {
                "text" : {
                    "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Light",
                    "size" : 14.0
                "description" : {
                    "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Light",
                    "size" : 12.0
        "tabBar" : {
            "colors" : {
                "background" : "FFFFFF",
                "tint" : "FF9600",
            "fonts" : {
                "text" : {
                    "name" : "HelveticaNeue-Light",
                    "size" : 14.0

Concept of the OTTheme Class

Adding the framework to the project will allow a user to create a new instance of an OTTheme class. This class exposes the properties fonts, colors and components. Each of these properties are references to automatically created classes, which provide access to the defined styles in the JSON file.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) OTColors *colors;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) OTComponents *components;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) OTFonts *fonts;

As an example, the colors property of the OTTheme instance is of type OTColors and exposes the defined color styles.

Inside the OTColors instance these styles can be accessed by generated property accessors which look as the following:

@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIColor *errorColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIColor *primaryColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIColor *secondaryColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIColor *successColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIColor *warningColor;

Next to simply exposing the aforementioned properties, the class OTTheme also provides a custom initializer with the declaration:

- (instancetype)initWithStyleDefinitionFileAtURL:(NSURL *)URL;

The parameter URL is a path to a JSON file stored on disk. This JSON file can exist already during source code compilation or created dynamically at application runtime. In case the JSON file contains the same basic structure consisting of colors, components and fonts, it is possible to override theme styles dynamically at runtime. If only a subset of keys are overwritten, the compile-time defined styles will be used as fallback.

This allows (remote) customization of the themes after submitting or distributing the application to the App Store.


Installation with CocoaPods

  1. Create a .json theme file. Optionally, add it to your app target for convenient editing in Xcode.

  2. Add the originate_theme.rb helper file somewhere convenient within your project.

  3. Add the following lines to your Podfile.

    source 'https://github.com/Originate/CocoaPods.git'
    require_relative 'scripts/cocoapods/originate_theme.rb'
    pod 'OriginateTheme'
    post_install do |installer|
    install_originatetheme(installer: installer, json_path: path + '../Themes/Local.json')
  4. Run pod install

Modify the .json and originate_theme.rb paths as needed for your project. The post_install hook is required to install automatic code generation to your project's compilation.

If you wish to add the additional modifications manually, skip step 2 and remove the post_install hook. The following configurations are required:

Run Script Build Phase:

User-Defined Build Setting:

Import the Framework

Add the following line wherever you want to access the framework:

@import OriginateTheme;


OriginateTheme is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.