OrleansContrib / Orleans.StorageProviders.SimpleSQLServerStorage

Ultra low friction Orleans Storage Provider using SQLServer
MIT License
13 stars 8 forks source link
entity-framework orleans orleans-storage-provider sql-server


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A KeyValue SQLServer implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model. Uses an EF code-first table to store grain keys with binary and/or json serialized data


Install-Package Orleans.StorageProviders.SimpleSQLServerStorage

Decorate your grain with the StorageProvider attribute e.g.

[StorageProvider(ProviderName = "PubSubStore")]

in your OrleansConfiguration.xml configure the provider like this:

      <Provider Type="Orleans.StorageProviders.SimpleSQLServerStorage.SimpleSQLServerStorage" Name="PubSubStore"
                ConnectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0; Integrated Security=True;"
                UseJsonFormat="false" />

      <Provider Type="Orleans.StorageProviders.SimpleSQLServerStorage.SimpleSQLServerStorage" Name="SomeOtherGrainStorage"
                ConnectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0; Integrated Security=True;"
                UseJsonFormat="both" />


If using SQLServer proper, create an empty database and make sure the connecting user has the following permissions



The following attributes can be used on the <Provider/> tag to configure the provider: