Orthocorp / orthoverse-avatars

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Medium: add and remove delegates to land owner list #60

Open kf106 opened 1 year ago

kf106 commented 1 year ago

This requires an interface in orthoverse-avatars, orthovere-offline, orthoverse-website-v2, and a change to orthoverse-prismarine

The Lands table contains a list of the lands and who owns them. The owner data is currently an address.

It needs to be changed to an array of addresses. address 0 is the actual owner, and owners 1 ... N are people delegated to build on the land.

kf106 commented 1 year ago

Corrected a bug in orthoverse-offline load-tokens.js

Corrected orthoverse-website-v2 so api/land/generate/voxel returns an array if owner is a string

kf106 commented 1 year ago

I've just added it to the owners column, which is now a stringified array. So avatars can just push delegates onto the array, or slice them out. Everything else is already handled.

You can just go into orthoverse.lands with dBeaver, and provided you're careful and add it as a lowercase string, you can add delegates manually.

For the interface I'll let the user type in a name, and then look up the corresponding address. If there is one, then we add the address to the array string for the owner column.

Similarly, to show the list of owner and delegates, retrieve the orthoverse.land.owner record, and lookup the names from the addresses.

You can add any player registered in the avatar database. Even if they don't own a land.

And if someone logs on to the orthoverse without having used the avatar app, an automatic record is created for them in users anyway.