Orthocorp / orthoverse-avatars

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Welcome to Ready Player Doomed (the Orthoverse Avatar Designer)!


Start by installing dependencies:

yarn install

Then change into that directory and start the development server:

yarn redwood dev

Your browser will automatically open to http://localhost:8910 where you'll see a failure message because you don't have Postgres installed and configured correctly.

Installing and configuring Postgres

Run the following in a terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

Switch to the postgres user, and create the orthoverse user with a strong password, like orthoverse, and the Orthoverse database:

sudo -i -u postgres
createuser -P -s -e orthoverse
createdb -O orthoverse orthoverse

Install DBeaver so you can see what is going on. Download it from their website

Remember that a .deb package is installed with sudo dpkg -i <package name>

Finally, perform the first migration to make sure the database has the right tables:

yarn rw prisma migrate dev


The file .env.defaults contains a JWT secret which should be changed in production