Oryx-mllm / Oryx

MLLM for On-Demand Spatial-Temporal Understanding at Arbitrary Resolution
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## Oryx MLLM: On-Demand Spatial-Temporal Understanding at Arbitrary Resolution

Zuyan Liu*,1,2Yuhao Dong*,2,3Ziwei Liu3  Winston Hu2Jiwen Lu1,✉ Yongming Rao2,1,✉

1Tsinghua University   2Tencent  3S-Lab, NTU 

* Equal Contribution  ✉ Corresponding Author

--- **Project Page:** [![oryx-project-page](https://img.shields.io/badge/oryx-project_page-red)](https://oryx-mllm.github.io) **arXiv Paper:** [![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/oryx-paper-green)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.12961) **Model Checkpoints**: [![oryx-checkpoints](https://img.shields.io/badge/oryx-checkpoints-blue)](https://huggingface.co/collections/THUdyh/oryx-66ebe5d0cfb61a2837a103ff) **Oryx SFT Data**: Collected from open-source datasets, prepared data comming soon ## 📢 News - [20/09/2024] 🔥 **🚀Introducing [Oryx](https://oryx-mllm.github.io)!** The Oryx models (7B/34B) support **on-demand visual perception**, achieve new state-of-the-art performance across image, video and 3D benchmarks, even surpassing advanced commercial models on some benchmarks. * [[Paper]](https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.12961): Detailed introduction of on-demand visual perception, including **native resolution perception** and **dynamic compressor**! * [[Checkpoints]](https://huggingface.co/collections/THUdyh/oryx-66ebe5d0cfb61a2837a103ff): Try our advanced model on your own. * [[Scripts]](https://github.com/Oryx-mllm/oryx/blob/main/scripts): Start training models with customized data. ## Introducing Oryx **Oryx is a unified multimodal architecture for the spatial-temporal understanding of images, videos, and multi-view 3D scenes. Oryx offers an on-demand solution to seamlessly and efficiently process visual inputs with arbitrary spatial sizes and temporal lengths. Our model achieve strong capabilities in image, video, and 3D multimodal understanding simultaneously.** ### Main idea of On-Demand Multimodal Understanding


### Overview of Oryx Architecture


## TODO List - [x] Release all the model weights. - [x] Release OryxViT model. - [x] Demo code for generation. - [x] All the training and inference code. - [ ] Evaluation code for image, video and 3D multi-modal benchmark. - [ ] Oryx SFT Data. - [ ] Oryx chatbox. - [ ] Enhanced Oryx model with latest LLM base models and better SFT data. - [ ] Introducing our explorations for OryxViT. ## Generation Demo You can try the generation results of our strong Oryx model with the following steps: #### 1. Download the [Oryx](https://huggingface.co/collections/THUdyh/oryx-66ebe5d0cfb61a2837a103ff) model from our huggingface collections. #### 2. Download the [Oryx-ViT](https://huggingface.co/THUdyh/Oryx-ViT) vision encoder. #### 3. Replace the path for "mm_vision_tower" in the config.json with your local path for Oryx-ViT. (We will simplify step 1, 2 and 3 in an automatically manner soon.) #### 4. Modify the model path and run the inference script with your own video to test our model. ```python python inference.py ``` ## Training Instructions ### Installation #### 1. **Clone this repository:** ```bash git clone https://github.com/Oryx-mllm/oryx cd oryx ``` #### 2. **Install the required package:** ```bash conda create -n oryx python=3.10 -y conda activate oryx pip install --upgrade pip pip install -e ``` ### Preparation #### 3. **Prepare training data:** 🚧 We will release the instruction for collecting training data soon. We will also release our prepared data in patches. ### Training #### 4. **Training your own model:** Modify the following lines in the scripts at your own environments: ```bash export PYTHONPATH=/PATH/TO/oryx:$PYTHONPATH VISION_TOWER='oryx_vit:PATH/TO/oryx_vit_new.pth' DATA="PATH/TO/DATA.json" MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH="PATH/TO/7B_MODEL" ``` Scripts for training Oryx-7B ```bash bash scripts/train_oryx_7b.sh ``` Scripts for training Oryx-34B ```bash bash scripts/train_oryx_34b.sh ``` ## Citation If you find it useful for your research and applications, please cite our paper using this BibTeX: ```bibtex @article{liu2024oryx, title={Oryx MLLM: On-Demand Spatial-Temporal Understanding at Arbitrary Resolution}, author={Liu, Zuyan and Dong, Yuhao and Liu, Ziwei and Hu, Winston and Lu, Jiwen and Rao, Yongming}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.12961}, year={2024} } ``` ## Acknowledgement - Our codebase is conducted on [LLaVA](https://github.com/LLaVA-VL/LLaVA-NeXT) - Thanks to [lmms-eval](https://github.com/EvolvingLMMs-Lab/lmms-eval) team, for building such a usefule evaluation system!