OscarGodson / JSONP

Super Tiny JSONP Library
MIT License
87 stars 28 forks source link

JSONP Beta 1.0

Alpha Stage


This is a super tiny JSONP library for when you don't need jQuery or another JS library just for JSONP requests.


After searching for "JSONP examples" and "JSONP tutorials" I was dissapointed by the lack of straightforward JSONP stuff out there. While there is nothing wrong with jQuery and I use it every single day, sometimes you need to do some JSONP without using jQuery and so I wrote this for myself, but feel free to use it! The min version is only 621 bytes.


The high-level signature for the function looks like this:

JSONP([uri], [data], [custom_method_name], [callback])

To get my Twitter avatar for example you'd do:


Sometimes the third-party site require a custom method name, like Flickr, which requires jsoncallback rather than the standard callback method. Here's an example to get a thumbnail of my latest pic on Flickr:


You can also pass parameters in the form of a JSON object, like so:

JSONP('https://api.github.com/users/carvefx/gists',{'since': '2014-02-01T12:00:00Z'},function(json){
  document.getElementById('github').innerHTML = json.data[0].html_url;

Browser Support

To do...