OscarJohnson6 / IndieProject

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Fitness App Project

This is an Indie Java project created to log health information and generate random exercises.


Tracking fitness and health can be difficult. With different apps requiring to be paid for or having lots of advertisements, some examples are the Fitbit and Apple Fitness app on phones which promote and lock content behind their premium version. Another problem with health apps is not displaying all the information in one spot, an example is with the site calculator.net which can calculate the total one at a time so if you wanted to know your daily caloric amount as well as BMI you would have to re-input everything each time. My idea for a fitness app is to have an area to display all your calculated totals, as well as another section allowing you to create a randomized exercise set based on what you selected like doing just upper body or arms.

Specs & Versions

Category Type Version
Database MySql 8.3.0
Server Apache 8.5.98
API Http Client OkHttpClient 4.12.0
Logging Log4j 2.17.1
Unit Testing jUnit 4.12
Reading JSONs Gson 2.8.8
Web Service Hibernate 6.4.3.Final
Json Mapper Jackson 2.10.0
Decimal Formatter Decimal4J 1.0.3
REST Framework Jersey 2.29.1
Web Tokens JWT 3.4.1
Reading JSONs org.json 20170516
IO Operations Commons IO 2.11.0
