OswaldHe / HMT-pytorch

Official Implementation of "HMT: Hierarchical Memory Transformer for Long Context Language Processing"
Apache License 2.0
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HMT: Hierarchical Memory Transformer


Hierarchical Memory Transformer (HMT) is a novel framework that enables and improves models' long-context processing ability by imitating human memorization behavior. Leveraging memory-augmented segment-level recurrence, we organize the memory hierarchy by preserving tokens from early input tokens segments, passing memory embeddings along the sequence, and recalling relevant information from history.



[2024/05/12]: The paper is available on Arxiv

Code Structure


The code adapts the recurrent memory transformer repository (https://github.com/booydar/recurrent-memory-transformer). To use HMT, please install the dependencies in requirement.txt.

conda create -n hmt python=3.10 -y
conda activate hmt
pip install -r requirement.txt

For AMD GPUs: Please install the ROCm version of pytorch

pip install torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.6
  1. Run accelerate config and set up the distributed training/evaluation environment based on your cluster configuration. If you use AMD MI210 GPUs, here is an example configuration with DeepSpeed for 4 GPU cluster:
    - `Accelerate` version: 0.25.0
    - Platform: Linux-5.15.0-91-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
    - Python version: 3.10.13
    - Numpy version: 1.24.4
    - PyTorch version (GPU?): 2.1.0+rocm5.6 (True)
    - PyTorch XPU available: False
    - PyTorch NPU available: False
    - System RAM: 503.71 GB
    - GPU type: AMD Instinct MI210
    - `Accelerate` default config:
        - compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
        - distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
        - mixed_precision: bf16
        - use_cpu: False
        - debug: False
        - num_processes: 4
        - machine_rank: 0
        - num_machines: 1
        - rdzv_backend: static
        - same_network: True
        - main_training_function: main
        - deepspeed_config: {'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1, 'gradient_clipping': 1.0, 'offload_optimizer_device': 'none', 'offload_param_device': 'none', 'zero3_init_flag': False, 'zero_stage': 2}
        - downcast_bf16: no
        - tpu_use_cluster: False
        - tpu_use_sudo: False
        - tpu_env: []
  2. Run the following command to try PG-19 dataset with Llama 2 7B as the backbone:
    accelerate launch hmt_src/main.py --task_name=emozilla/pg19 --use_lora --learning_rate=1e-4 --model_name=meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --lr_decay --lr_decay_gamma=0.6 --training_step=600 --num_sensory=32 --bptt_depth=6 --train_set_split=50 --num_seg_save=8 --batch_size=2 --test_length=30000

    You can use --inference_only flag to only perform inferencing for GPU profiling.

For more functionalities of HMT, please check accelerate launch hmt_src/main.py --help.

Author's Note

This work is developed and experimented on AMD GPUs, which is a relatively new attempt considering that a majority of deep learning/natural language processing works use NVIDIA GPUs. It is possible that we can utilize tools that currently do not support ROCm (e.g., FlashAttention, bitsandbytes, etc.) to further optimize memory utilization, inference speed, and effectiveness. If you have any new ideas in improving the HMT framework on AMD/NVIDIA GPUs or new evaluation results using these tools, please don't hesitate creating a Github issue and we will look into it.

If you encounter bugs or have any questions, you can send an email to Zifan (zifanhe1202@g.ucla.edu) or submit a Github issue.