🚨 Please review the checklist below before submitting your pull request!
[x] Make sure you are requesting to pull a development branch. Don't pull the published branch!.
[x] Is the Gemfile's gem "github-pages", "~> [LATEST VERSION e.g. 219]", group: :jekyll_plugins line uncommented? This is meant to run the website on GitHub Pages. The latest version of dependencies can be found at https://pages.github.com/versions/
[x] Have you tested the website on VS Code by running jekyll serve or bundle exec jekyll serve?
Types of changes:
[x] Publishing posts for the most recent Collection
[ ] Design/product changes
[ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes a code issue)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
Screenshots of each page (one per page is fine):
Take a screenshot/clip the screen and paste here on the GitHub website. It should automatically upload the image.
Please describe your pull request. If there are any styling issues that need to be resolved, state the file(s) and what changes you want here.
Your checklist for this pull request:
🚨 Please review the checklist below before submitting your pull request!
gem "github-pages", "~> [LATEST VERSION e.g. 219]", group: :jekyll_plugins
line uncommented? This is meant to run the website on GitHub Pages. The latest version of dependencies can be found at https://pages.github.com/versions/jekyll serve
orbundle exec jekyll serve
?Types of changes:
Screenshots of each page (one per page is fine):
Take a screenshot/clip the screen and paste here on the GitHub website. It should automatically upload the image.
Please describe your pull request. If there are any styling issues that need to be resolved, state the file(s) and what changes you want here.
❤ Thank you!
Kevin Jang