Other-People-UCSD / Pink-Currents

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Other People Website

Refer to the CHANGELOG for a summary of updates.

Pull Request History

Jekyll Repository File Map

├── _includes           # Header/footer templates
├── _layouts            # Layouts for pages
├── _posts              # Published posts, organized into folders
├── uploads             # Folder for media and images from forestry.io, organized into folders
├── _sass               # CSS with variables and nesting
├── assets              # Styling the website
|   ├── css             # Consolidates the sass files into one
|   ├── favicons        # Other People Logo
|   ├── fonts           # Basier Mono Circle
|   ├── js              # Functionality for interactive elements
|   └── thumbs          # Folder for webp images used in home and genre previews of posts
├── index.html          # Homepage
├── submissions.md      # Submissions Page
├── team.html           # Team Page
├── about.html          # About Page
├── fiction.html        # Fiction Page
├── nonfiction.html     # Nonfiction Page
├── poetry.html         # Poetry Page
├── search.md           # Implemented by search layout
├── 404.html            # 404 Not Found Page
├── showcase.html       # Summary Page of our organization
├── sitemap.html        # Directory for all the pages and posts
├── _config.yml         # Configuration for Jekyll website
├── Gemfile             # Builds the Jekyll website
├── documentation       # Folder for documenting large changes to this codebase
└── .forestry           # 3rd party CMS manager for non-developers
    ├── front_matter/templates  # Configures front matter on selected titles
    └── settings.yml    # Configuration to preview site on forestryio

Font Awesome license for use of the Instagram, Facebook, and Mail icons: https://fontawesome.com/license