OtherwiseJunk / ParanoiaPerfectEditionSystem-foundryvtt

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Infrared Clearance Dice Roller drop downs for Skill and Attribute not letting anything other than top value to be used. #39

Closed Lule-NZ closed 5 months ago

Lule-NZ commented 5 months ago

Foundry version 11 stable build 315, Paranoia Perfect 0.3.0.

Browsers tried with: Firefox, Edge, Brave.

When any of us (including the GM) tried to select anything other than Brains or Alpha Complex in the Infrared Clearance Dice Roller on the character sheet, it just flicked instantly back to the top value so that is the only thing we could roll using that, for anything else we had to just use chat rolls or macros.

GM was running foundry and we were connecting over HTTP (rather than https), they said they had no modules loaded other than the Paranoia character sheet.

Not sure if GM was using the Electron app or a browser, forgot to ask before we stopped for the night.

Lule-NZ commented 5 months ago

I tried this in my own Foundry installation and it worked properly (Same version of Foundry, same version of Paranoia Perfect system) so not sure of cause in above case. Tested with a few different settings and didn't get it to break so likely just an us thing to figure out. Will close.