OtherwiseJunk / ParanoiaPerfectEditionSystem-foundryvtt

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Paranoia System

Foundry v10 Foundry v11 Download count image for latest version

An attempt at adopting the upcoming Paranoia: Perfect Edition into FoundryVTT as a system.

Currently only tested against Foundry V10 and V11

Character Sheet

Currently the only real functionality from Paranoia: PE that has been implemented. Allows players to participate in character creation, keep track of their current mission, and their secrets.

First tab of the Paranoia: Perfect Edition sheet, demonstrating the header with the character's ever-present PII, and their Productivity Profile which shows their skills/ability scores and the dice roller. Second tab of the Paranoia: Perfect Edition sheet, showing the header with the character's ever-present PII, and their Wellness information demonstrating how hurt they are, how Loyal Friend Computer perceives them to be, their XP, and their Moxie. Third tab of the Paranoia: Perfect Edition sheet, showing the header with the character's ever-present PII, and their role in society, allowing players to track their Mission Objectives and currently assigned gear. Fourth tab of the Paranoia: Perfect Edition sheet, allowing the user to set their character's avatar image. "Back" (Fifth tab) of the Paranoia: Perfect Edition sheet, showing the header with the character's ever-present PII, and their private, traitorous information including their aliases, secret societies, secret objectives, mutant powers, contraband, and evidence against other players.

Dice Roller

Dice roller allows a player to select their attribute/skill combo, indicate the level of any equipment they're using, and indicate if they'd like to take a NODE penalty to increase their initiative order this round.

Computer dice are rolled separately "by" Friend Computer, for easier tracking.

An example of the messages generated when a player uses the "Infrared Clearance Dice Roller"

NPC Sheets

Nobody sheet, allowing the DM to track the Looks, Quirks, and Plans of nobody npcs Somebody sheet, allowing the DM to track the Looks, Quirks, Plans, Gear, Basics (service group and secret society), and a quote of somebody npcs Accomplice sheet, allowing the DM to track the Looks, Quirks, Plans, Gear, Basics (service group and secret society), health, moxie, mutant powers, and a quote of accomplice npcs