OtherwiseJunk / ParanoiaPerfectEditionSystem-foundryvtt

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Jazz up the computer dice #7

Open OtherwiseJunk opened 12 months ago

OtherwiseJunk commented 12 months ago

Add some quotes for when the computer dice rolls a 6. Add some pictures of Friend Computer. Maybe have different pictures for 1-5 than for 6. Look into optionally playing a sound when the computer dice rolls a 6.

Ribonizer commented 1 month ago

Actually, from what I understand in the rules, the computer dice still gives a success on a 5. Currently the system doesn't tell us if a five is rolled so that makes it so a player can miss out on a success. I suggest having an extra case for when a 5 is rolled saying the troubleshooter rolled a 5 but the computer did not notice. Also I think it can become easier to roll the computer dice as well so maybe just always report the result of the roll?

Great work on the mod so far, I've been looking forward to having Paranoia ready to play as a contingency when one my Shadowrun player can't make it to game night.

OtherwiseJunk commented 1 month ago

That's a good point, I'm going to add the result of the roll to the message regardless. That way tables have as much information as possible.

Hoping to get a fix going for one of the issues on here this evening, so I'll update this as part of that as well and let you know when it's available.

OtherwiseJunk commented 1 month ago

hey @Ribonizer version 0.4.2 should fix the issue you were mentioning


Ribonizer commented 1 month ago

Ayup just tested it and it's working great. Thanks!