OudomMunint / .NetMAUI-To-Do-List-App

A to do list app that performs CRUD operations. Made with .Net MAUI
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About UI #203

Open raselldev opened 3 weeks ago

raselldev commented 3 weeks ago

How to make Android and iOS UI perfect pixel or persistence?

OudomMunint commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I'm not entirely sure what ' perfect pixel or persistence' means but I assume you are asking about consistency of the UI across iOS and Android platforms?

raselldev commented 3 weeks ago


OudomMunint commented 3 weeks ago

Yea that's going to be quite difficult, you'd probably need to write custom handlers or custom renderers because each platform renders specific components differently, for example on iOS a checkbox is circular but on android it is squared. If for example you just want to adjust spacing because it is aligned differently between iOS & Android you can use OnPlatform, for example

<Border WidthRequest="{OnPlatform iOS=450, Android=350}">

This will set width on iOS to 450 & Android to 350. My recommendation is not to go down the road of custom renderers, it is a long and hard road 😢