OudomMunint / .NetMAUI-To-Do-List-App

A to do list app that performs CRUD operations. Made with .Net MAUI
34 stars 5 forks source link
csharp maui maui-apps sqlite todolist xaml

Check Mate ✅

A To-Do list app that performs CRUD operations. Made with .Net MAUI & SQLite

CI/CD Status & Release

CI Build

Maintenance Status 🔹Report Bug    

maintenance-status PRs Welcome

Supported Platforms

Platform Version Target
Android API 21+ API 34 / Android 14
iOS iOS 11+ iOS 16.7 & 17.4.1

Required SDKs


iOS, iPhone 15

Android, Galaxy Z Flip 4

Android & iOS, Galaxy Z Flip 4 / iPhone 15


Getting Started

Getting Started iOS


Clean scripts

This script finds and deletes bin / obj folders as well as .DS_Store files.