## About
>_This project's goal is to develop a C library that combines common functions that you may utilize in all of your other projects._\
```Handbook : This project involves the development of fundamental C functions, which will then be compiled into a library for application in other coursework projects.```
### Functions from `` library
* `ft_isascii` - test for ASCII character.
* `ft_isalnum` - alphanumeric character test.
* `ft_isalpha` - alphabetic character test.
* `ft_islower` - lower-case character test.
* `ft_isupper` - upper-case character test.
* `ft_isdigit` - decimal-digit character test.
* `ft_isprint` - printing character test (space character inclusive).
* `ft_tolower` - upper case to lower case letter conversion.
* `ft_toupper` - lower case to upper case letter conversion.
### Functions from `` library
* `ft_atoi` - convert ASCII string to integer.
* `ft_calloc` - memory allocation.
### Functions from `` library
* `ft_bzero` - write zeroes to a byte string.
* `ft_memset` - write a byte to a byte string.
* `ft_memchr` - locate byte in byte string.
* `ft_memcmp` - compare byte string.
* `ft_memmove` - copy byte string.
* `ft_memcpy` - copy memory area.
* `ft_strlen` - find length of string.
* `ft_strchr` - locate character in string (first occurrence).
* `ft_strrchr` - locate character in string (last occurence).
* `ft_strstr` - locate a substring in a string.
* `ft_strnstr` - locate a substring in a string (size-bounded).
* `ft_strcmp` - compare strings.
* `ft_strncmp` - compare strings (size-bounded).
* `ft_strcpy` - copy strings.
* `ft_strncpy` - copy strings (size-bounded).
* `ft_strdup` - save a copy of a string (with malloc).
* `ft_strlcpy` - size-bounded string copying.
* `ft_strlcat` - size-bounded string concatenation.
### Non-standard functions
* `ft_putchar_fd` - output a character to given file.
* `ft_putstr_fd` - output string to given file.
* `ft_putendl_fd` - output string to given file with newline.
* `ft_putnbr_fd` - output integer to given file.
* `ft_itoa` - convert integer to ASCII string.
* `ft_substr` - extract substring from string.
* `ft_strtrim` - trim beginning and end of string with the specified characters.
* `ft_strjoin` - concatenate two strings into a new string (with malloc).
* `ft_split` - split string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings.
* `ft_strmapi` - create new string from modifying string with specified function.
Made by OUSSAMA BENSARJANE --> linkedin