RNN weights, gradients, & activations visualization in Keras & TensorFlow (LSTM, GRU, SimpleRNN, CuDNN, & all others)
Introspection is a powerful tool for debugging, regularizing, and understanding neural networks; this repo's methods enable:
It enables answering questions such as:
For further info on potential uses, see this SO.
pip install see-rnn
. Or, for latest version (most likely stable):
pip install git+https://github.com/OverLordGoldDragon/see-rnn
Will possibly implement:
and layer
? Need duplicates resolution scheme# for all examples
grads = get_gradients(model, 1, x, y) # return_sequences=True, layer index 1
grads = get_gradients(model, 2, x, y) # return_sequences=False, layer index 2
outs = get_outputs(model, 1, x) # return_sequences=True, layer index 1
# all examples use timesteps=100
# NOTE: `title_mode` kwarg below was omitted for simplicity; for Gradient visuals, would set to 'grads'
EX 1: bi-LSTM, 32 units - activations, activation='relu'
features_1D(outs[:1], share_xy=False)
features_1D(outs[:1], share_xy=True, y_zero=True)
better pronounces features' shape, whereas =True
allows for an even comparison - but may greatly 'shrink' waveforms to appear flatlined (not shown here)EX 2: one sample, uni-LSTM, 6 units - gradients, return_sequences=True
, trained for 20 iterations
features_1D(grads[:1], n_rows=2)
EX 3: all (16) samples, uni-LSTM, 6 units -- return_sequences=True
, trained for 20 iterations
features_1D(grads, n_rows=2)
features_2D(grads, n_rows=4, norm=(-.01, .01))
EX 4: all (16) samples, uni-LSTM, 6 units -- return_sequences=True
, trained for 200 iterations
features_1D(grads, n_rows=2)
features_2D(grads, n_rows=4, norm=(-.01, .01))
EX 5: 2D vs. 1D, uni-LSTM: 256 units, return_sequences=True
, trained for 200 iterations
features_1D(grads[0, :, :])
features_2D(grads[:, :, 0], norm=(-.0001, .0001))
EX 6: bi-GRU, 256 units (512 total) -- return_sequences=True
, trained for 400 iterations
features_2D(grads[0], norm=(-.0001, .0001), reflect_half=True)
for more units is expected, as approx. the same loss-derived gradient is being distributed across more parameters (hence the squared numeric average is less)EX 7: 0D, all (16) samples, uni-LSTM, 6 units -- return_sequences=False
, trained for 200 iterations
utilizes only the last timestep's gradient (which is still derived from all timesteps, unless using truncated BPTT), requiring a new approachEX 8: LSTM vs. GRU vs. SimpleRNN, unidir, 256 units -- return_sequences=True
, trained for 250 iterations
features_2D(grads, n_rows=8, norm=(-.0001, .0001), show_xy_ticks=[0,0], title_mode=False)
EX 9: uni-LSTM, 256 units, weights -- batch_shape = (16, 100, 20)
rnn_histogram(model, 'lstm', equate_axes=False, bias=False)
rnn_histogram(model, 'lstm', equate_axes=True, bias=False)
rnn_heatmap(model, 'lstm')
for an even comparison across kernels and gates, improving quality of comparison, but potentially degrading visual appealEX 10: bi-CuDNNLSTM, 256 units, weights -- batch_shape = (16, 100, 16)
rnn_histogram(model, 'bidir', equate_axes=2)
rnn_heatmap(model, 'bidir', norm=(-.8, .8))
) biases are defined and initialized differently - something that can't be inferred from histogramsEX 11: uni-CuDNNGRU, 64 units, weights gradients -- batch_shape = (16, 100, 16)
rnn_heatmap(model, 'gru', mode='grads', input_data=x, labels=y, cmap=None, absolute_value=True)
and a greyscale colormapNew
is the most active kernel gate (input-to-hidden), suggesting more error correction on permitting information flowReset
is the least active recurrent gate (hidden-to-hidden), suggesting least error correction on memory-keepingEX 12: NaN detection: LSTM, 512 units, weights -- batch_shape = (16, 100, 16)
EX 13: Sparse Conv1D autoencoder weights -- w = layer.get_weights()[0]; w.shape == (16, 64, 128)
features_2D(w, n_rows=16, norm=(-.1, .1), tight=True, borderwidth=1, title_mode=title)
# title = "((Layer Channels vs. Kernels) vs. Weights) vs. Input Channels -- norm = (-0.1, 0.1)"
sparse autoencoder layers; network trained with Dropout(0.5, noise_shape=(batch_size, 1, channels))
(Spatial Dropout), encouraging sparse features which may benefit classificationWeights are seen to be 'sparse'; some are uniformly low, others uniformly large, others have bands of large weights among lows
QUICKSTART: run sandbox.py, which includes all major examples and allows easy exploration of various plot configs.
Note: if using tensorflow.keras
imports, set import os; os.environ["TF_KERAS"]='1'
. Minimal example below.
visuals_gen.py functions can also be used to visualize Conv1D
activations, gradients, or any other meaningfully-compatible data formats. Likewise, inspect_gen.py also works for non-RNN layers.
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Input, LSTM
from keras.models import Model
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from see_rnn import get_gradients, features_0D, features_1D, features_2D
def make_model(rnn_layer, batch_shape, units):
ipt = Input(batch_shape=batch_shape)
x = rnn_layer(units, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True)(ipt)
out = rnn_layer(units, activation='tanh', return_sequences=False)(x)
model = Model(ipt, out)
model.compile(Adam(4e-3), 'mse')
return model
def make_data(batch_shape):
return np.random.randn(*batch_shape), \
np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batch_shape[0], units))
def train_model(model, iterations, batch_shape):
x, y = make_data(batch_shape)
for i in range(iterations):
model.train_on_batch(x, y)
print(end='.') # progbar
if i % 40 == 0:
x, y = make_data(batch_shape)
units = 6
batch_shape = (16, 100, 2*units)
model = make_model(LSTM, batch_shape, units)
train_model(model, 300, batch_shape)
x, y = make_data(batch_shape)
grads_all = get_gradients(model, 1, x, y) # return_sequences=True, layer index 1
grads_last = get_gradients(model, 2, x, y) # return_sequences=False, layer index 2
features_1D(grads_all, n_rows=2, show_xy_ticks=[1,1])
features_2D(grads_all, n_rows=8, show_xy_ticks=[1,1], norm=(-.01, .01))
Short form:
John Muradeli, see-rnn, 2019. GitHub repository, https://github.com/OverLordGoldDragon/see-rnn/. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5080359
title={See RNN},
author={John Muradeli},
journal={GitHub. Note: https://github.com/OverLordGoldDragon/see-rnn/},