OvercastNetwork / SportBukkit

CraftBukkit and Bukkit modifications that improve stability and add new features
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I can't compile #231

Closed Uheri closed 6 years ago

Uheri commented 7 years ago

Debian 7 with rake

root@SC1:/home/SportBukkit# rake default rake aborted! /home/SportBukkit/Rakefile:55: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL, expecting ')' def modular_tasks(id:, name:, artifact:, work: nil) ^

(See full trace by running task with --trace) root@SC1:/home/SportBukkit#

iPolish commented 7 years ago

You dont have the right ruby version

058c37a272bed3464d47f0b01038a16a commented 7 years ago

Ruby version 2.1.5 works 👍

Uheri commented 7 years ago

How can I update on debian?

iPolish commented 7 years ago

Download the 2.1.5 version See ruby -v

Uheri commented 7 years ago

Oh yes 1.9 ;)

Uheri commented 7 years ago

I can not install the new version, when I do ruby ​​-v I have the 1.9.3

Uheri commented 7 years ago

root@play:/home/spigot/SportBukkit# rake default git update-index -q --ignore-submodules --refresh git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules -- git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --ignore-submodules -- Resetting to refs/remotes/upstream/upstream git fetch upstream upstream From /home/spigot/SportBukkit/base/Bukkit

ghost commented 7 years ago

If all fails refer to my comment on #240

twizmwazin commented 7 years ago

@Uheri You can install an updated version of ruby using debian backports

Pablete1234 commented 6 years ago

since no one else has commented on this for a while i'll assume it's fixed