OverzealousLotus / Blossom-Bloom

A collection of notes and small examples of my learning journey.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A collection of notes/examples I have gathered while learning various coding languages. Bear in mind, nothing can teach you better than practice. I am no professional, and- -not the best programmer out there. I really could improve, but so can you!


  1. Python
    1. Beginner
      1. Arithmetic
      2. Builtin Functions
      3. Control Flow
      4. Functions
      5. Operators
      6. Variables
    2. Intermediate
      1. Asynchronous Programming
        1. Async Await
      2. Graphical User Interfaces
        1. Buttons
        2. Checkboxes
        3. Input Fields
        4. Labels
        5. Radioboxes
        6. Windows
      3. Object Oriented Programming
        1. Classes
        2. Dataclasses
        3. Encapsulation
        4. Inheritance
        5. Properties
    3. Advanced
      1. Encryption
        1. Encrypting
        2. Fernet Key Generation
        3. Implementation
      2. Multi-Threaded Programming
        1. Multi-Threading
        2. Threadlocking
      3. Optimization
        1. Memory Caching
  2. Rust
    1. Beginner
      1. Arithmetic
      2. Control Flow
      3. Data Types
        1. Boxes
        2. Generics
        3. Mutexes
        4. Numerals
        5. Options
        6. Results
        7. Vectors
      4. Variables
    2. Intermediate
      1. Standard Libraries
        1. TBA
      2. Object Oriented Programming
        1. Enums
        2. Implementations
        3. Structures
        4. Traits
        5. Unions (TBA)