Owmacohe / LastBreathOfANewEmpire

MIT License
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Last Breath Of A New Empire

First game prototype and further iteration for my CART 315 class.

Game features


Design hypothesis


Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8

Entry 9

Entry 10

Entry 11

Entry 12

Entry 13

Questions for playtesters - Round 1

  1. The game is meant to slowly feed the narrative to the player through these small dialogue interactions. From the limited amount that you’ve seen, do you think that a full-fledged narrative could be accomplished this way?
  2. Would this fare better as a 3D game with an actual shop environment? Or is the minimal UI a style of its own?
  3. Should the narrative stakes be lowered? In other words, is the story’s scope and worldbuilding too vast?

Results from playtesting - Round 1

Main issues

Main enjoyments

Improvements to be made

Questions for playtesters - Round 2

  1. Is the objective of the game clearly demonstrated?
  2. The narrative is more fully-fledged now. Do you think that the world is immersive enough? Or do I need to add more?
  3. Did the new sound effects work well? Are the randomly-ringing bell chimes too distracting?
  4. Do there need to be more consequences? I feel that it still may be too narrative-heavy.
  5. Were there any bugs with the UI? I was having an issue or two.
  6. Unrelated: Would you like to write a dialogue interaction? I’ll put it in the game if you send me one.

Results from playtesting - Round 2

Main issues

Main enjoyments

Improvements to be made