Own-and-Ship / oas_agent

The Own & Ship Ruby agent
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Ability to silence the startup info in development environment #8

Open caius opened 10 months ago

caius commented 10 months ago

Noticed today that Skylight allows silencing the startup info for their gem in the development environment by running bundle exec skylight disable_dev_warning which makes the terminal easier to read when running rails tasks locally.

We could depend on the presence of a file in RAILS_ROOT.join("tmp") to gate that, and have a helper task (or even just info in the README) to touch the file.

It would hide the following when the file was present, and only in the development environment:

** [Own & Ship][2023-11-07 14:16:00 +0000 opus (36112)] INFO : Reading configuration from /Users/caius/code/api/config/own_and_ship.yml
** [Own & Ship][2023-11-07 14:16:00 +0000 opus (36112)] INFO : The Own & Ship agent in the development environment for application api - (Development) will be disabled