Own-and-Ship / oas_agent

The Own & Ship Ruby agent
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This is the Ruby agent library for the Own & Ship service, for more information see ownandship.io.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oas_agent'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install oas_agent


Advanced config options:

# The reporter aggregates reports from the app and sends them to the Own & Ship
# service over the Internet.
  # How many reports from the application should we queue waiting for the
  # reporter being reported. About 1000 per thread should be adequate. The
  # agent will report if the queue overflows and it may need to be increased
  # if that happens.
  max_reports_to_queue: 5000

  # How many reports to send in one batch to the Own & Ship service. Leaving
  # at 100 is ideal for most situations
  max_reports_to_batch: 100

  # How long (in seconds) after receiving a report should we wait to fill the
  # max_reports_to_batch buffer before just sending what we have, even if that
  # is less than max_reports_to_batch.
  batched_report_timeout: 10

  # Wether to send the report immediately, or queue it for sending in the
  # background thread. You likely never want to set this except in test mode
  # as at least RSpec doesn't leave the reporter thread alive long enough
  # to send the reports.
  send_immediately: true


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

Ruby versions

We target Ruby 1.9.3 or newer, and run CI against every minor release of ruby since then to ensure compatibility.

The development environment is pinned in .ruby-version so we can run development tooling on a more modern version of Ruby, but the library code and dependencies must be compatible with 1.9.3.

The test suite is powered by minitest, you can run the entire suite with rake test or run a single test file with ruby -Itest test/lib/agent/ruby_receiver_test.rb.

Testing ye olde Ruby versions in Docker

There are two options for testing in docker, the first is to install nektos/act and invoke the test CI job (uses docker locally):

act --container-architecture linux/amd64 --job "test"

The second, and more controllable/customisable way is to lean on docker locally through rake tasks. To test all versions this library supports you can run:

rake test:all

You will get an output something like this:

Ruby 2.3.8 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[2.3.8]"`
Ruby 1.9.3 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[1.9.3]"`
Ruby 2.2.10 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[2.2.10]"`
Ruby 2.4.10 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[2.4.10]"`
Ruby 3.0: ✅ passed
Ruby 3.1: ✅ passed
Ruby 2.7.5: ✅ passed
Ruby 3.2: ✅ passed
Ruby 3.3-rc: ✅ passed
Ruby 2.6: ✅ passed
Ruby 2.5.9: ✅ passed
Ruby 2.1.10 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[2.1.10]"`
Ruby 2.0 ❌ failed, run this version using `rake "docker:test[2.0]"`

Where a version fails you will be given a command to run the tests for that specific version:

rake "docker:test[2.4.10]"
# or…
VERSION=2.4.10 rake docker:test

This will give you the test suite output too so you can see what failed. If you need to diagnose Docker/build issues then pass VERBOSE to get the docker build output:

VERBOSE=1 rake "docker:test[2.4.10]"

If you need to further diagnose Docker build issues you can build a docker image for the version you're interested in directly: (convert . to - in the version number.)

docker compose build ruby-2-4-10


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/wjessop/oas_ruby_agent.